Fixing Guild Combat Rank
A comprehensive guide on fixing guild combat ranks in a hope to maintain its fairness to all involved. Please note: Parentheses – () – signify a variable which can be changed as seen fit. I did not take the time to decide what was fair and what wasn't.
- Activity level –
A player that receives (Inactive for (14 or 21) Days) next to their name shall not count in guild combat ranking until that player logs in and gains xp again.
- Guild Level –
Should play no role in combat ranking.
- Walls –
Should only be taken into account with respect to the amount of combat xp online in defending guild. The more combat xp that is online at the time of the defense, the less effective the walls should be. This will allow smaller players to still stand a chance against some of the bigger players if the need ever arise.
- Headquarters -
Only one headquarters, the highest level headquarters available, will provide defense bonus. This bonus is constant and is not effected by number of players. HQ should also contain a button to call allies with; see below.
- Allies –
Should only be called when being raided by a guild higher in the ranks. Should play no role in guild combat ranks however.
In order to tell if allies can be called, I propose a button in the headquarters that will only show up when being attacked by a higher ranked guild. That button will automatically send a message to your allies. You can choose which ally guilds to send it to, but it will message all the members in those guilds with a generic help message.
- Raid Activity –
The longer a guild (including each of its members) has not been a part of an offensive fight, the lower in the ranks it shall go. If any one member joins the guild and has been in an active offense in a given period of time, then this bonus offer will be nullified and the guild must start over the count, unless that player leaves the guild again.
- - Winning a raid – gain (X) combat rank
- - Successfully defending against a raid – neutral
- - Succesfully launching a retal – neutral
- - Losing against a raid – lose (X) combat rank
- - No show raid – Suffer penalty of (12–24hr) unable to set raids
- Combat rank differences –
Guilds should be able to attack up to (10) levels below their current rank, without penalty.
Guilds that attack another guild below that should receive a penalty of any of the following at random:
- - 0 guild exp gained for next (24hr).
- - Attacking strength / (2)
- - Home defenses / (2) for next (72h)
- - Loot received / (2)
A guild that receives a penalty can receive just one of these, or any combination of them, including all 4 of them.
- Opting Out -
I believe opting out methods need to stay the way they are. You may say that's extremely disadvantageous to those who choose to opt out of guild wars. However:
A guild that participates in guild wars, e.g. has an HQ, stores, or storehouses is constantly at risk for losing items in their stores and storehouses, as well as maybe even having damage done to their buildings. Let me stress that, they are ALWAYS at risk. A guild that chooses the current opt out method is NEVER at risk. A guild that is never at risk should not receive the same benefits as those guilds who are always at risk. Simple enough.
- Credits -
This shall continue to be updated until it is deemed fit. Many thanks to Shimizu for providing us with reasonable grounds to begin on. Please either leave your feedback under the line break, with a detailed description of ideas, as well as your name, or feel free to message me and I will add to it as seen fit. Please do not edit about the line break. I will take care of that as time permits.
Thank you,
Mars Ultor, The Avenger of The Forsworn.
Ok first, not bashing your idea but the allies being only called if a higher ranking guild is called should not be instituted. Lets say a guild has 10 members ranging in combat levels of
1–10 (1 being lowest, 10 being highest) all members except the lowest combat leveled player is offline; another guild who is alot lower combat ranked has lots and lots of war foods decide to come along...The 1 combat defender stands no chance what so ever against this raider, without allies they should go ahead and hand over goods.
The alliances button in HQs is a great idea though, would be alot simpler then copying all the allies names and messaging them. Or yet another idea to consideer would be allies that are not combatting can seee the warnings as well? This would be less likely to happen but an idea none the less.
The points for winning/defending/no show and so forth I find to be not needed in my opinion.
There should not be an option to opt out if you dont want to play, then do not store goods in compound :shrug: simple. If you let whoever did not want to raid/get raided do so then there bout as well be no raiding at all...
These ideas and opinions are of my own and are not bashing but rather from my mind alone..