Rank | Clan | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | Champions of Movoda? | 72 | 2,823,645,952 | +494,298 (+1,159,184) |
2 | The Bubble? | 66 | 1,942,440,078 | +186,698 (+700,647) |
3 | Game on Degenerates? | 56 | 1,057,392,485 | +220,876 (+549,936) |
4 | Valhalla? | 59 | 1,321,910,700 | +269,920 (+540,568) |
5 | Novum Initium? | 56 | 1,080,110,855 | +122,384 (+530,483) |
6 | Sanitys Requiem? | 58 | 1,238,705,219 | +188,683 (+417,535) |
7 | Movodian Army of Demons? | 72 | 2,846,297,271 | +184,965 (+417,466) |
8 | Slan Sabhailte? | 70 | 2,485,549,068 | +160,167 (+318,726) |
9 | Confused and very inebriated? | 32 | 121,089,555 | +101,820 (+250,179) |
10 | paradise? | 35 | 167,417,128 | +117,369 (+208,375) |
11 | Antaria? | 24 | 42,048,505 | +74,611 (+192,007) |
12 | Ghost Raiders? | 57 | 1,118,288,589 | (+181,494) |
13 | Status Quo? | 39 | 259,242,623 | +74,888 (+140,395) |
14 | Omnipotence? | 53 | 869,172,491 | +53,006 (+139,320) |
15 | Seven Sins? | 51 | 721,030,454 | +92,458 (+129,646) |