Movoda Manual - kenzi/shows
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
kenzi´s shows:)
2 houses (1,000 stones) gave away (and 50 hardwood)
started: yeah..
ended: almost..
the name of you´re first love: weirdest..
price(s): 1 turq
started: yes
kenzi is stil thinking you can mail him if you got a fun show :)
kenzi's show again :) read and sign
what to do: sign you're name in.. the first 25 people will be listed after they got listed everyone will get 10 lives like this:
kenzi (10) people that aren't listed may shoot at a person they don't like or just shoot at someone for fun (each person may only shoot once each movo day)
people that are listed may heal other with a medic kit but not themselves.. so someone that is very populair will maybe get more healt then someone that is'nt populair at all.
last one standing: 1 mint leaf
last one died: 1 jade
first one died: 1 free add for 2 shows..
people that are signed:
kenzi´s old shed ( thing to give away ::))
654 hardwood logs <— i just cut alot of wood and get a few ::)
1 catapult.. i tought i had to much hardwood so i let drudon make me one (thanks again drudon)
409 plums <— same as hardwood logs i hate the season :( don't like plums
1 ivory
1 jade
1 turqs
1 mint leaf
1 amber