Movoda Manual - lebowski/questwriting
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
When you have decided that you must decide – will it be bias towards your chosen skill or kingdom or will it be fair and have all nationalities a chance to complete a quest similar to this. The main part of the above is making sure that it isn’t bias towards just you skill, as there are many kingdom specific quests in the backlog to come through.
Now the format to write it in is as follows:
Pre-requisites: this is to start that section of the quest It can be a certain skill level being X. It can be any number of items equipped – providing it is only 1 per slot max. It can be having to have completed a previous quest or having to be part of a nation.
Location: This can be the location where the quest starts or where the next part of the quest is to go – Then underneath this comes the dialogue in that particular area.
Actions : Here is where any actions take place. Such as being told to do a certain amount of something eg Fish X amount of mackerels. Or giving something or taking a choice between the quest paths by responding in a certain way.
If there are counters here make sure you specify which and what for as this makes inputting the quests easier.
Change Quest Log : You put here what you wish to be displayed in the quest log : If you want a counter MAKE SURE you specify where the person should go after having the counter reach 0.
And then it starts all over again:
Pre-requisites: Here unless you are giving something such as X amount of an item the easiest way to do it is to say : [Pre-requisite: Previous part of this quest]
Location : Dialogue
Actions : same as above
Change Quest Log : Or if it is quest complete : Clear Quest Log.
And always make sure you post the reward at the bottom.
Please if your going to attempt to make a quest follow this format as it makes the job of inputting the quest a lot easier, or if you are stuck but have a general idea message me and we will flesh it out between us.
I hope this helps the people that were asking on how to make them.