Movoda Manual - lildevilstory
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs

Her name's Alya, she is like every girl in her tribe, well almost. They live somewhere on a little island in the middle of a lost country. There, everyone does the same thing and everyone is the same, except for Alya. She has a terrible secret. Her mother always told her she was a freak, that she was posseced by a demon. Since she was five years old, she never listened to her, even the day she died. Her mother died when she was seven and she told the tribe to kill her daughter if something strange ever happened. You want to know her secret? Well she could control the elements. She thought it was fun, but it would bring destruction. She could of killed her whole village or herself, instead she decided to leave and follow the light. This is the story of a wonderful hero.
Alya had just turned fifteen, she was at her favorite place on earth: the forest. Since her mother died, people were calling her names like daughter of the devil or the freak of nature, sometimes it was even worst than that. Some threw stuff at her while others made her trip. She didn't care about that anymore, she was home. She decided that today she would make plants grow. She always thought nature was beautiful. A little bit later she heard branchs crack and saw Stella, her best friend, running away towards the village. She yelled at Stella to stop running but she knew it was too late, she had to run away.
Two days later, she was back at the little village tied up to a tree. Mothers hid their children while their husbands were talking together probably deciding what they were going to do with her. They left her tied up for three days. On the third day, she was so angry she bursted into fire, to burn the ropes. She couldn't control fire as much as her other powers, so the village started to burn. People were crying, yelling and some were unlucky so they were burning alive. She couldn't stop it and she couldn't see anything because her eyes were tearing up. Suddenly she yelled stop in total histery. What happened next was, well, magical. It was like the world changed in a second. It never happened before... It was snowing. Everybody stopped yelling and crying. It was peaceful. NO more fire, no more hate. The women dropped to their knees while the men were looking at Alya 'til she dissapeared like the fire under the snow.
The young woman woke somewhere in the forest, she saw the village at the end of the road. They were happy without her. She heard someone scream then someone yelled:<< follow her quickly
She started running as fast as her legs could carry her. Alya had walked for a long time, but she didn't want to stop or he would take advantage of it. She had to get as far as she could from her old village, but she had to find a shelter for the night. The young woman found a tall tree to sleep into late that night. She woke up only at sun high. She had to walk fast that day and find food at the same time. She was on her way to freedom, when she heard a noise. She wanted to scream and run but she was scared of what the person or the creature would do. She sighed when she saw what came out of the bushes. It was rainpath her pet. She shouldn't of adopted him but she thought he was cute. Rainpath was a tiger, it wasn't really a tiger it was more like a lion with stripes. He had an odd color too, he was bright red with white stripes. She never told her tribe she had a pet, they would of killed it or worse tortured it to death. Rainpath was still acting like he was a cub. He ran around Alya and made her fall. Now that her favorite person was protecting her, she felt safe.
After taking care of Rainpath she continued walking. That night when she went to bed, her head on her tiger, she finally realized that she always had someone close to her. Next morning, she got up and saw for the first time the falls. Those were the falls of doom. A lot of people from her old tribe died there, including her father. She had always wondered what her father was like before he died. It was such a beautiful place with an awful name. Alya just hoped they wouldn't come all the way here to kill her. The young woman walked towards what she thought was a dream. She took off her clothes and slipped into the refreshing water. This was perfect, calm and refreshing. But that ended when Rainpath decided he wanted to swim. He walked back a few steps, started running towards the lake and jumped on top of the girl. Because of all the weight she almost drowned. The big cat got off before she drowned. The calm had left the falls pretty fast and the feline was splashing around happily. Suddenly, Rainpath stopped moving, and a second later Alya had a dagger on her neck. The young man that was standing behind her in the water must of been about seventeen. He looked like he hadn't washed in a month. Alya was stuned she saw him a couple of times in the forest watching her. He started talking:
So, what are you doing here in my lake. You're kind of pretty but I don't like intruders swimming in my lake with a big cat. You better tell him to not pounce on me or you will die.
She started whispering calmly to Rainpath but he wouldn't back off that easily.
I don't want to hurt you the stranger said. But I won't let that beast kill me.
She tried to bite him, instead she met his deep blue eyes and stopped before her teeth met his skin. He was really handsome and he smelled good. Finally, Rainpath calmed down and the stranger finally relaxed. He talked again:
I'm Hunter. Who are you and why are you here?
I"m Alya. I... I ran away from my tribe. They wanted to kill me, she said with a shaky voice.
-So now you're here in my lake. Kind of awkward.
-Hmmm ya. Can you take your dagger back, I'm starting to get cold.
-Oh! Sure, sorry, forgot about it. Now you better come with me, before they come and kill both of us.
-Who? what are you talking about?
Right after she asked, she heard a terrible wail then nothing. Silence, like if someone or something had just died.
-Okay I'm coming with you she said half scared, half thoughtful.
She raced out of the water, got dressed and called Rainpath back. Hunter took her hand and ran into the forest. When they got to his home, Alya dropped to her knees exhausted. Her friend didn't even look like he had ran all the way here. His house was beautiful. Alya couldn't take her eyes off of the cherry basket hanging in a tree. Everything looked so neat. He had a beautiful garden, a tiny fall to wash, lots of trees, a clearing and a cave with alot of plants in it. It smelled great, but she didn't want to sleep close to him. In her tribe if a girl was caught sleeping with a man when she wasn't a woman yet, they would shave her head and make her wear a mask till some of her hair grew back. Even if she was far away from her tribe she still didn't want to break the rules.
-So Alya are you sleeping here or are you coming inside. He asked when she didn't move.
I can sleep outside, theres plenty of places i could sleep comfortably.
An hour after, it started raining and Alya was soaking wet. She was shivering, but she still didn't want to go in that stanger's house. After a few minutes, Hunter came out of the house with fresh fruits and bread.
I see you're enjoying the rain, he said with a moking voice. You really should come inside before you get a cold.
I won't come inside if Rainpath doesn't.
At that moment the animal burst out of the forest and ran to the house squealing.
The stranger smilled, turned towards her and said:
I guess you're coming in. Don't worry, I have an extra bed for you.
She blushed and nodded. She went inside and what she saw was breath taking. It was like a normal house except, he had plants everywhere and a lot of swords and shields. He smiled again.
Yeah, I know. I really love plants and all those shields and swords, I got them from an elf. I bet you don't believe me but elves really exist. He laughed and continued. They don't really like me.
Why don't they, you're nice. I mean except when you have a knife at my throat.
He turned serious suddenly.
It's a long story.
Well I have time.
They sat at the fireplace with tea.
Well I fell in love with an elf. She got pregnant. Then she disappeared, I found out where the elves lived and asked them why they took her from me. They didn't answer, but one of them pointed to a grave. I didn't understand at first but when I did they were already around me with their swords raised. I didn't care, I just asked them what happened to the baby. The only answer I got was
He was unpure>>. I guess that was the answer for he's dead. Then, a man came out of the crowd. He looked sad. He gave me a medallion and left. Elfs don't talk much, but every move they make tells us everything. He was her father. I stayed beside her grave all night. But at sunset my guards had left. That night i learned why. They came out of the woods hungry. I don't know what they were, I just knew they were the worst thing I would ever meet. I was right, the medallion was the only thing that saved me. It started shining and then there was no more noise. In the morning her dad came to me with those swords and shields. Then he told me to leave as quickly as I could. I found this place and now I'm here.
Hmmm. That's kind of sad. I'm sorry.
Hey! Don't be sorry, It's not your fault. Life sucks sometimes, but then I met you. He laughed and continues talking. Atleast I'm not alone anymore. It's been a while since I talked with someone.
She blushed
Well you can go to sleep now.
Your bed is over there, he said while pointing, to a corner. It's not really comfy but you'll survive.
Thanks, she said then went to bed