Movodian Monologue June 22nd, 2008
Another early deivery! Hope you like!
World News, written by swordman.
Inventure Chemical and Seambiotic announced this week a joint venture to create biofuels from algae fed by a coal-fired power plant. Based in Seattle, Inventure Chemical has a process for converting algae to either biodiesel, ethanol, or specialty chemicals. Seambiotic, based in Tel Aviv, Israel, has developed an open-pond algae farming system that it is now testing in Israel. The joint venture will grow algae using flue gas emissions from a power plant and use the resulting liquid fuel to power its operations or sell it. In related news, the Algal Biomass Organization (ABO) said Thursday that three airlines have joined the industry group. The airlines
Air New Zealand, Continental, and Virgin Atlantic Airwaysjoin biofuel technology developer UOP and existing member Boeing, which co-chairs the ABO. There are a growing number of algae-to-energy ventures and projects. The advantage that algae has over other feedstocks is that farms won't compete for existing crop land and yields can be higher. Still, the technology remains experimental and in the development phase. One of the first companies to enter the algae business,
Green Fuel? Technologies, this week said that it has signed a deal for a large project in Europe and has a few more in the U.S. that it hopes to sign in the coming weeks.
Music video of the day!
Metal much?
Optical Illusions! Try em out!
Video Game of the day!
Random tip! Speed training is known for it's many uses! Combat, travel times, and of course, guild exp! It's the best out there to level your guild!
Greatest Fighters League
wednsday and sunday
at the arena
starting at 00:00:00
Prizes will be awarded to the winner.
Contact swordman for the prizes for each time.
Pergie: I am selling 100 penos for 30 ea please msg me!
Looking to buy at any amount
Cooked Mackerel
Cooked Bass
Cooked Flounder
Please message Macdaddy if you have some to sell and at what price you shall sell it
If you're looking for a new guild message tiggger to come and have fun in the 'MAD House' no matter how good you are, we can help.
Hope your actually enjoying these and not just lying! Oh, perhaps some background info on your paper boy? Well my real name is Matthew but call me Theory. I'm 15, tired...I mean bored out of my mind <.< I'm always available to chat with you all! I don't mind! I'm always looking for someone else to bore.....
Have a nice day! Have a nice life! Have a nice perio.....I mean breakfast
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