Movoda Manual - macdaddy/paper/june23

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Movodian Monologue June 23rd, 2008

Hey there again! Ready for today’s news? Really? Well fine, I’ll stop stalling

World News:

Obama, Clinton Look to Set Aside Differences, Campaign Together
As the former Democratic rivals prepare for their debut this Friday as the odd couple of the campaign trail, the two sides are still dealing with some raw emotions left over from their marathon and often bitter campaign battle.
Hard Feelings Divide Clinton, Obama Camps
People close to Clinton are frustrated that the Obama campaign has yet to propose a way to help her retire her more than $10 million in debt, while some close to Obama think the Clintons are being sore losers who won't go out of their way to praise Obama.
A case in point was Bill Clinton's appearance Sunday at the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
During his address, the former president mentioned Obama only once, and that was to praise Obama for supporting one of programs begun during Clinton's administration.
Link to this article:

Apology Notes: As you probably know…I didn’t send the paper early today, sorry. A bug interfered with my work and it didn’t send to anyone. Well, here’s your paper now. Sorry again!

Music video of the day!

Truly an expert guitarist

Random Facts!

In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.

According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction.

Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.

When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.

The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly.

Mario, of Super Mario Bros. fame, appeared in the 1981 arcade game, Donkey Kong. His original name was Jumpman, but was changed to Mario to honor the Nintendo of America's landlord, Mario Segali.

More later folks

Random Suggestion.

“Well I’m wondering if I should post this in the forums…but might as well ask a few and not a thousand people!. Would a roleplay chat for roleplayers in Movoda be a good thing? After all, Movoda is an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online roleplaying game). Send me what you think of it!”

Idea creator: Theory

Random Question.

“How many bones do we have in our body?”

206. Actually when you were a little baby you had 300 bones! However as you grew, some disappear, while others mend together, so you now have 206 bones. Interesting huh?

Notice how I’m mixing the news up each time? Pretty neat huh gotta keep you interested somehow

One of our subscribers, I won’t name who, has asked why I do not collect money for this service ‘o mine. Well, I do this for one purpose....okay make it two...

Bring the community together. Have discussions with my fellow Movodians, and on the subject of collecting money. It would be a pain for either me or you all to meet me, pay X vessi, and go our separate ways anyway, and I don’t want to bother with that.

Got a question for me, about my personal life? Ask away! I’ll throw the answer in the next newspaper!

On that subject, PLEASE, submit anything you want for the paper! I need to bore you all somehow, and I can’t do it alone!

And on that subject…..I have no problem chatting with you guys, if you’re ever bored, talk to me, and so forth.

Oh, and on that subject….would you please respond to my questions and such in the paper? Because that’s kind of why I put them there. You can submit yours too and have your fellow subscribers answer them! Oh, who are our subscribers?

Poison_Apple;Receze;macdaddy;Lord Essence?;Mr.Chaos;Pepp Prince;monyforme;Jade Alyssum?;pro1974;Gwachitallemalla;Gr 4 yw 0 lf?;Roen;General;Mystical;scott;swordman;chaz;Nestor;precious;OPAL EYES;moosa;adhlssu07;Cobia;meatpie;angelbaby;dsmitts;Thaxquickil;zdazzle;Pergie;The_Anarchist;da_nana;Thuurak;parn;fatboyzcaraudio;jinx;vampkitty13;tiggger;aethridgea;Prome;esnow;monkey pit;Sho Gun?;Discordia;kamue;angel_eyes;furyspawn;bedlam;klentrogen;big;rnicholson;manilishi;baronvctim;kjockery;Lexxy

To me, this is like our own little, mini-guild, a community inside a community. So let’s just go along with it eh?

Have a nice day! Hey, is this our longest newspaper yet?

481 people have read this paper.