Movoda Manual - marsultor/magic
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
Total Mana: 78
Total Regen: 3 per 5 minutes
Total Minutes needed to regen fully: 130
Total times to fill: 26
This is with 3 mana regen in 5 minutes.
Total Mana: 78
Total regen: 11 per 5 minutes
Total time needed to fully regen: 35.45
Total regens to fill: 7
This is with 11 mana regen.
Herbals needed to accomplish: 8
Cost per 35 minutes: 4400 (if bought at MC in Tropi)
Total exp gained: 1170 per 35 minutes
Amount of Fishsticks needed to cover mana: 19.5
Cost of Fishsticks: 8092.5 (if bought from MC at Tropi)
Ration Teas to fishsticks: 1:2.5
Price Ratio (teas to sticks): 550:830