!!Wazzup Ho Wz? IT gOiNg!!
runescape player's:add this guy lvl 97
! username=megamanx373
Ho Pe? U
En Jo Y? dIs
Pa Ge?
Sy Mb Ol LZ?= dOwN bElOw
press atl+ these numbers on the right side of your keyboard once uve done tham at the same time then take ur hand of alt eg=ALT+0174 THEN TAKE HAND OF ALT.
He Re Ar E? sOmE sMbOlZ
mAkE yOuR oWn oNeS fRoM hERe
Ho Pe? U lIkEd
Th E? sMbOlZ!
greenkind pokes 'teh n00b' XD