Movoda Manual - movodablog
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
Hey due to the influx of messages from the people of movoda supporting my initiative and being the first person to have a blog about the happenings in Movoda, I would like to dedicate this wiki page to the movoda round-up.
Its an informative, honest and somewhat satirical look at some of the weeks goings on including Game updates, guild battles and movements, and some light hearted humour based on some of movodas more eccentric or perhaps dumbest players.
The language is mild and not intended to offend. I moderate my comments from the viewers so no offending content can be viewed. I would recommend people under 12 do not view. This is based on my own countries censorship laws where only 3 occurrences of the F word may feature in a film suitable for children 12 and over. This is an extreme word that will not be found in my blog and words of that nature will not feature. I simply rate it 12 based on the knowledge some countries are somewhat more backward than us brits.
I assure you there will not be language this coarse but there will be word like hell and damn and words of that severity though so if you are likely to take offence don't read please.
I welcome feedback on my blog and perhaps also in future I may actually include some comments at the authors request to feature on my blog.
Please enjoy your reading, :)