In the begining the sheep lived in small family unit groups and the wolves preyed on the sheep which kept their bellys full constantly and the wolves thrived. Over time the sheep learned the wolves habits and tactics. The sheep grouped themselves into large groups with protection on 3 sides and these became known as pens. These became the lean years for the wolves and try as they might the wolves could not over come the use of the pens with any great success as in the past. About this same time new threats started appearing onto the landscape. The new arrivals attacked both the sheep and the wolves as they had cracked both sheep and wolves tactics. Ond day the sheep and wolf leaders meet and formed a pack that changed the course of history. If you think that sheep herd looks like easy pickings you may wish to look again for there maybe wolves wearing sheep clothing
If you would like to be a wolf or a sheep in our pen contact any guild member and follow their directions.
nelson Member Since: 2008-01-05 15:28:52 Active playing time: 312 Days, 22 Hours, 24 Minutes Member Number: 0000004268 Character Experience: 15,551,525 Character Level: 62 Highest Skill: Combat Level 70 Nationality: Odtoni
Skill | Level | Experience | Rank |
Character | 62 | 15,551,525 | 590 |
Speed | 33 | 1,435,814 | 945 |
Mining | 22 | 321,695 | 1,253 |
Combat | 70 | 24,533,736 | 472 |
Magic | 22 | 304,527 | 944 |
Trading | 14 | 63,888 | 751 |
Woodcutting | 42 | 3,533,636 | 237 |
Smithing | 8 | 12,712 | 1,877 |
Construction | 44 | 4,277,351 | 226 |
Cooking | 14 | 68,913 | 1,471 |
Fishing | 15 | 77,991 | 1,737 |
Crafting | 16 | 96,028 | 789 |
Harvesting | 20 | 238,265 | 1,305 |
Cards | 4 | 1,831 | 720 |
Monsters killed by nelson
- 1 Baby Flame Giant
- 12 Baby Frost Giant
- 186 Bandit
- 122 Barktomi Elephant Rider
- 3 Barktomi Fighter
- 5 Barktomi Raider
- 8,514 Bear
- 238 Bronze Golem
- 169 Bunny
- 12,176 Cave Goblin
- 2,627 Cavelurk
- 25 Chicken
- 7,601 Cougar
- 1,075 Deer
- 1 Dennech Cehuvah
- 166 Drop Bear
- 109 Dwarven Fighter
- 116 Dwarven Raider
- 12,908 Elephant
- 253 Elk
- 84 Elven Mage
- 18 Faerie Lord
- 187 Fairy
- 1 Firbolg Giant
- 530 Fox
- 391 Frog
- 24 Ghost
- 7 Giant Black Bat
- 3,421 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 3,292 Giant Bug Beetle
- 3,427 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 47 Giant Roc
- 890 Griffin
- 1,441 Grizzly Bear
- 842 Grue
- 1,126 Hawk
- 14 Headless Horseman
- 12,530 Hobgoblin
- 82,079 Killer Vine
- 1 King Bear
- 45 Lightning Elemental
- 8,297 Lion
- 81,532 Living Oak
- 6,979 Lizard Warrior
- 7,173 Lizardman
- 22 Maanvaki Scout
- 13 Maanvaki Shaman
- 48 Maanvaki Warrior
- 44,541 Marakite Mage
- 25,620 Marakite Master
- 45,909 Marakite Trainee
- 187 Marossian Slave Warrior
- 108 Minotaur
- 406 Mountain Goat
- 385 Mountain Lion
- 15 Nagaromi Infantry
- 207 Nagaromi Miner
- 1,090 Nagaromi Scout
- 17 Nagaromi Spearman
- 235 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 45 Parrot
- 85 Pirate
- 3 Pirate Admiral
- 23 Pirate Captain
- 40 Pirate Grenadier
- 1 Quarter Master
- 83 Raccoon
- 1 Raging Tree
- 9,180 Rhizard
- 2,192 Rhizard Plunderer
- 4,982 Rhizard Prowler
- 189 Saphirik Warrior
- 7 Sjirkomi Cook
- 1 Sjirkomi Shaman
- 8 Sjirkomi Soldier
- 155 Spectre
- 23 Squirrel
- 13,172 Turtle
- 4 White Bat
- 17,747 Wild Elven Gatherer
- 17,963 Wild Elven Hunter
- 1,467 Wolf

Ebil Lia 4/13/08
you have been marked by the wolf (sir ironwolf)
Right in the footsteps of his big example he goes
Soft Misty Hugs for my Nes
Hugs from the Ninja Hamster, Sasha Mkai
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