WARNING: This Page is ONLY to be edited by team of people working on this contest! Anyone else found editing this page will be breaking Manual Rule
#1, General Rule
#3 and will be banned from the Contest.
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Make the Best Wikki Manualpage Contest
Team working on the contest:
This contest is all about who can make the BEST Wikki manualpage.
The idea was originally Skilla's but he has chosen a close group of people to help him along with it. They all have their qualities that are needed to make this contest a nice experience for everyone!
On this page you can find:
*-All about the happenings within the running contest.
*-A list of donators for the running contest
*-A list of candidats for the running contest
*-We'll keep track of the winners of the last 3 contests.
In future (To-Do):
-Possibly links to other pages where we can store more information about for example older contests.
-Possibly some piece written by the winner of the last contest.
-Possibly an all-time top 3 manualpages.
-Possibly some top 3 of people with the most votes while the contest is running.
-Possibly some smaller manual-based guestbook.
-Links to some archive where we can store information of past contests.
We also use the forum >>
forum ~ General ~ `Make the best manualpage` –
There you can vote in a special topic for the person that has the nicest manualpage in your opinion!!
We also have a topic where a lot is explained, you can give your comments on this project. It's our 'guestbook'.
What we aim to do with this contest is find out who can make the BEST Wikki manualpage so we can crown them as the best WIKKIpage owner of that period. We also give prizes to the winners!
Donations are very welcome, since they make it able to let all people join this contest without any charge!
If we don't get enough donations to run this contest in future, we'll have to ask some little entry-charge from the candidats to form the prizes.
!!(orange)Deadline of Contest #2: -Not decided yet –
These are the Rules of the Game, if found Breaking one of these Rules you Will Be Punished
1. Everyone can vote once for there favorite Wikki manualpage every time a contest is running in a special topic the staff will make then.
2. The person with the most votes wins ofcourse and gets the First Prize.
3. The #2 and #3 will also get a (smaller) prize. -As long as there are enough donations-
4. Editing this manual page is
not allowed and if you're found breaking this Rule you will be banned from this Contest.
6. This is not a popularity contest, so please dont vote for the person you like the most, but vote for the person who actually put alot of time and effort into making his/her Wikki manualpage.
7. When the deathline is reached and people have the same amount of votes the members (that are not participating) of the staff will decide which manual page is the best.
Winners from past contests
#1 Contest: Aurora
#2 Contest: /
A list of current donators & prizes for the #1st Contest.
1st Prize = 3 Barktomi Armor Sets- Donated by
Contains 3
Barktomi Armor, 3
Barktomi Gloves and 3
Barktomi Shinguards
2nd Prize =
3rd Prize =
All Donations are welcome, so if you dont have the skill to make the Best Wikki manualpage then maybe you can help with the prizes department.
This is a list of all the current candidates for the #2 Wikki Page Contest.