Movoda Manual - razzygear
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
Rhizards stats for razzy(cl47)
attack: 69
Defense: 76
Agility: 75
speed: 41
magic defense: 21
Left Hand: Enhanced Adamantite Dagger (+6 Attack, +1 Defense, +3 Speed) or normal ADA dagger
Right Hand: Adamantite-Tipped Whip (+8 Attack, +1 Defense, +2 Agility, +2 Speed)
Head: Aluminum Helmet (+1 Attack, +3 Defense)
Face: Costume Mask (+1 Defense, +1 Speed)
Upper Body: Titanium Breastplate (+11 Defense)
Gloves: Aluminum Gauntlets (+3 Defense, +1 Speed)
Lower Body: Aluminum Shin Guards (+3 Defense, +1 Speed)
Feet: Elven Boots (+1 Defense, +4 Speed)
Neck: Ona Talisman (+3 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP, +2 Speed)
Ring: Sharp Ring (+1 Attack, +1 HP )
Accessory: Devilish Brooch (+1 Attack, +2 Defense, +1 Agility)(or if you don't have that, use Banjo
Tools: Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
biggest neutral attack:
Attack: 64 (you NEED 74 defense)
biggest neutral defense
Defense: 57 (you WANT attack 67+)
neutral agi:
Agility: 45 (you're good:))
if you don't have Devilish Brooch and also not Enhanced Adamantite Dagger,
make sure you have 74 defense by using either different gloves(tit gloves 5 defense) or tit shin guards(5 def)
Erfdar stats for razzy(cl47)
attack: 73
Defense: 84
Agility: 75
speed: 36
magic defense: 21
Left Hand: Rhizard Spear (+18 Attack, +5 Defense, +2 Agility)
Right Hand: Rhizard Spear
Head: Aluminum Helmet (+1 Attack, +3 Defense)
Face: Costume Mask (+1 Defense, +1 Speed)
Upper Body: Titanium Breastplate (+11 Defense)
Gloves: Titanium Gauntlets (+5 Defense)
Lower Body: Titanium Shin Guards (+5 Defense)
Feet: Elven Boots (+1 Defense, +4 Speed)
Neck: Ona Talisman (+3 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP, +2 Speed)
Ring: Sharp Ring (+1 Attack, +1 HP )
Accessory: Devilish Brooch (+1 Attack, +2 Defense, +1 Agility)(or if you don't have that, use Banjo
Tools: Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
biggest Erf attack:
Attack: 74 (you NEED 84 defense)
biggest Erf defense
Defense: 63 (you WANT attack 73+)
neutral agi:
Agility: 53 (you're good:))
biggest neutral defense
Defense: 57 (you WANT attack 67+)
neutral agi:
Agility: 45 (you're good:))
If you don't have the Devilish Brooch, you are 2 defense and 1 attack short
options are:
1) get 1 more lvl and use +1 def on tool accessory slot.
2) use banjo for +1 attack and switch elven boots to something with more defense(Titanium Boots 5 def for example)