3043 visits to the meister's page
No matter what you do in life, without a desire to win, a passion to be the best, a hunger to succeed.... and a little controversy thrown in for good measure.... you may as well not wake up
On the 13th June 1985, at 8:09pm, Richard Hodgson was born and destined to change life as it was known.
21 plus years later, here he is, still going strong, living by 3 important rules.... Honor, Pride and Controversy!
For without those, what would life be if not a little sadder and a lot less fun?
Useful Member Links
Jesskitten (my girlfriend)
Movodian Army of Demons (My guild)
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Love the page babe x x x x x
2) pibird was here
3) so was Bahamut ;) great page :)
Great page