scott Member Since: 2007-06-21 14:14:24 Active playing time: 153 Days, 8 Hours, 52 Minutes Member Number: 0000002108 Character Experience: 6,034,643 Character Level: 49 Highest Skill: Combat Level 56 Nationality: Odtoni Guild: Ronin Guild Position: Council
scott's Skills- Combat Level 56 (10,806,589 Exp)
- Mining Level 34 (1,551,638 Exp)
- Speed Level 25 (484,055 Exp)
- Fishing Level 22 (334,811 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 19 (192,641 Exp)
- Magic Level 18 (157,527 Exp)
- Construction Level 17 (123,245 Exp)
- Crafting Level 13 (58,902 Exp)
- Cooking Level 12 (38,567 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 11 (30,084 Exp)
- Smithing Level 9 (17,529 Exp)
- Trading Level 6 (7,007 Exp)
- Cards Level 2 (539 Exp)
scott Ranked #1,562 at Speed |
scott Ranked #495 at Mining |
scott Ranked #653 at Combat |
scott Ranked #1,300 at Magic |
scott Ranked #1,927 at Trading |
scott Ranked #3,596 at Woodcutting |
scott Ranked #1,704 at Smithing |
scott Ranked #1,863 at Construction |
scott Ranked #1,734 at Cooking |
scott Ranked #879 at Fishing |
scott Ranked #979 at Crafting |
scott Ranked #1,384 at Harvesting |
scott Ranked #1,579 at Cards |
00:53:11 Judas Goat[Ronin]: People underestimate me. Then they die. *shrug*
Monsters killed by scott
- 11 Baby Flame Giant
- 14,275 Bear
- 489 Brown Toad
- 20 Bunny
- 1,179 Cave Goblin
- 237 Cavelurk
- 176 Charging Rhino
- 33 Chicken
- 14,668 Cougar
- 516 Deer
- 1 Dennech Cehuvah
- 8,278 Elephant
- 5 Fairy
- 292 Fox
- 276 Frog
- 20 Ghost
- 175 Giant Black Bat
- 40,097 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 40,396 Giant Bug Beetle
- 40,208 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 96 Giant Salamander
- 3 Goblin Zombie
- 2,679 Grizzly Bear
- 58 Grue
- 689 Hawk
- 1,107 Hobgoblin
- 92 Killer Dolphin
- 21,150 Killer Vine
- 1 King Bear
- 5,187 Lion
- 21,557 Living Oak
- 165 Lizard Warrior
- 1 Lizardman Zombie
- 139 Maanvaki Scout
- 63 Maanvaki Shaman
- 381 Maanvaki Warrior
- 107 Mad Cow
- 2 Marakite Mage
- 4 Marakite Trainee
- 45 Minotaur
- 6 Mountain Goat
- 6 Mountain Lion
- 10 Nagaromi Infantry
- 172 Nagaromi Miner
- 748 Nagaromi Scout
- 16 Nagaromi Spearman
- 147 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 25 Parrot
- 114 Pirate
- 1 Pirate Admiral
- 24 Pirate Captain
- 44 Pirate Grenadier
- 1 Quarter Master
- 10 Raging Tree
- 10,920 Rhizard
- 2,564 Rhizard Plunderer
- 6,313 Rhizard Prowler
- 1,258 Saphirik Warrior
- 41 Squirrel
- 16,090 Turtle
- 4 White Bat
- 4,702 Wild Elven Gatherer
- 4,690 Wild Elven Hunter
- 2 Willow
- 41 Wolf
Japqit waz here :P
RJ was the first to sign your page :D
Damien Marlock Got out of the Kitchen long enough to sign your page.
Shadow Dropped By........
The Killer has Bloodied Your Page Today!!!!