Movoda Manual - weather

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07:57:02 Nestor: what does the weather influence?
07:57:23 susie090368[Sane?]: it depends
07:57:29 Pleknor[ We ]: random harvests and fishing
07:57:31 susie090368[Sane?]: if raining
07:57:38 Alaren[Spartan]: fishing?
07:57:42 susie090368[Sane?]: get rendom harvesting
07:57:42 brineweed[bats]: random harvests
07:57:55 susie090368[Sane?]: if snowing
07:58:08 susie090368[Sane?]: random harvest hardwood
07:58:11 Pleknor[ We ]: and travel
07:58:18 Alaren[Spartan]: weather also effects fruit drops from woodcutting, mint leaves in travelling, wagon/large wagon/sled usage
07:58:42 Pleknor[ We ]: yes alaren fishing
07:58:54 Nestor: oh wow
07:59:06 susie090368[Sane?]: ive never gotten mint leave but i guess so
07:59:10 Alaren[Spartan]: didn't know it effected fishing XD what exactly does it do to effect fishing? :S
07:59:27 3x0du5[Spartan]: fur coat usage
07:59:31 Pleknor[ We ]: weather or not you can/have to wear a fishing coat
07:59:34 brineweed[bats]: fur coat
07:59:34 Nestor: is that put down in a manual page?
07:59:35 Zipper[Co M]: if your rod is getting wet or not:D
07:59:47 Babsy[Xo Xo]: XD
07:59:47 susie090368[Sane?]: only if it is cold
07:59:57 Alaren[Spartan]: ahh yeah, forgot that XD
08:00:03 susie090368[Sane?]: right
08:02:27 Forum > Cards > “mixed cards for sale” updated by Archaedog
08:02:38 Pergie[eXpert]: hello all of movoda good mornin aint it?
08:02:55 Babsy[Xo Xo]: morning Pergie :)
08:03:38 brineweed[bats]: Movoda Manual – weather – This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to create it?
08:04:30 Pergie[eXpert]: morning babsy
08:04:37 Pergie[eXpert]: how have you been
08:04:38 Nestor: yeah, i guess it would be nice to have a collection of all those weather infos