 | Alicia Member Since: 2008-06-13 20:40:16 Active playing time: 1687 Days, 6 Hours, 24 Minutes Member Number: 0000006181 Character Experience: 113,301,013 Character Level: 103 Highest Skill: Combat Level 111 Nationality: Faldorian Guild: The Eccentric Ambassadors of Movoda Guild Position: Leader
Alicia's Skills- Combat Level 111 (157,507,705 Exp)
- Smithing Level 72 (27,321,077 Exp)
- Cooking Level 67 (20,685,086 Exp)
- Mining Level 61 (14,738,634 Exp)
- Crafting Level 61 (14,272,938 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 59 (13,099,127 Exp)
- Speed Level 49 (6,085,089 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 44 (4,256,053 Exp)
- Construction Level 42 (3,365,805 Exp)
- Magic Level 37 (2,138,233 Exp)
- Fishing Level 36 (1,950,342 Exp)
- Trading Level 22 (301,673 Exp)
- Cards Level 4 (2,397 Exp)
Monsters killed by Alicia
- 4 Ancient Serpent
- 1,309 Arctic Fox
- 166,661 Armadillo
- 121 Baby Flame Giant
- 48 Baby Frost Giant
- 55 Bandit
- 21 Barktomi Fighter
- 11 Barktomi Raider
- 32 Bay Shark
- 3,038 Bear
- 225 Bronze Golem
- 4,579 Brown Toad
- 363 Bunny
- 3,587 Cave Goblin
- 10 Cavelurk
- 204 Charging Rhino
- 769 Chicken
- 1 Chimera
- 185 Cougar
- 4,904 Deer
- 117 Drop Bear
- 354 Dwarven Fighter
- 182 Dwarven Raider
- 104 Elder Ash
- 85 Elder Pine
- 148,518 Elephant
- 693 Elk
- 8 Faerie Knight
- 47 Faerie Lord
- 293 Fairy
- 163 Firbolg Giant
- 9 Flame Giant
- 2,416 Fox
- 2,608 Frog
- 8 Frost Giant
- 3 Ghost
- 304 Giant Black Bat
- 156 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 237 Giant Bug Beetle
- 166,344 Giant Cobra
- 987 Giant Elk
- 209 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 118 Giant Roc
- 925 Giant Salamander
- 165,302 Giant Scorpion
- 50,582 Giant Tarantula
- 303 Giant Yeti
- 155 Giant Zombie
- 50,628 Gila Monster
- 496 Goblin Zombie
- 2 Gold Golem
- 19 Great White Shark
- 71,876 Griffin
- 87 Grizzly Bear
- 9 Grue
- 12,543 Hawk
- 1,870 Headless Horseman
- 718 Hobgoblin
- 146 Ice Elemental
- 99 Iron Golem
- 97 Jade Golem
- 174 Killer Bunny
- 109 Killer Tomato
- 387 Killer Vine
- 1 Kraken
- 94,776 Lion
- 340 Living Oak
- 633,571 Lizard Warrior
- 635,187 Lizardman
- 261 Lizardman Zombie
- 476 Maanvaki Scout
- 112 Maanvaki Shaman
- 467 Maanvaki Warrior
- 273 Mad Cow
- 581 Marakite Mage
- 344 Marakite Master
- 489 Marakite Trainee
- 126 Marossian Slave Warrior
- 3,091 Minotaur
- 1,213 Mountain Goat
- 973 Mountain Lion
- 175 Nagaromi Infantry
- 2,709 Nagaromi Miner
- 11,962 Nagaromi Scout
- 160 Nagaromi Spearman
- 2,700 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 176 Ona Spearman
- 69 Ona Warlord
- 246 Ona Warrior
- 278 Parrot
- 355 Pirate
- 8 Pirate Admiral
- 92 Pirate Captain
- 177 Pirate Grenadier
- 204 Polar Bear
- 909 Pumpking Warrior
- 301 Raccoon
- 4 Rhaedrhothe
- 1,120 Rhizard
- 602 Rhizard Plunderer
- 649 Rhizard Prowler
- 9 Saphirik Warrior
- 18 Sjirkomi Cook
- 17 Sjirkomi Shaman
- 24 Sjirkomi Soldier
- 980 Snow Owl
- 740 Spectre
- 629 Squirrel
- 470 Steel Golem
- 484 Turtle
- 2,430 Vampire
- 3,483 Werewolf
- 298 White Bat
- 5 White Dragon
- 243 Willow
- 4,914 Wolf
- 583 Yeti

Cooking Experience
Harvesting Experience
Skills Experience
Character Experience
Alicia[TEAM]: i think when we finally get the lvl for another one, I'm gonna try for another 1k
zysx[TEAM]: are you wishing to never move from Therusia?
Alicia[TEAM]: and Z.. I barely do leave therusia
*zysx may have to uproot A as she seems to have been planted *
*LDMaster has just harvested one Alicia from the 500 Greenhouse *
peachtails[TEAM]: are there any more?
LDMaster[TEAM]: nope all gone
peachtails[TEAM]: if so, she cloned herself
Chickaroo Imprinted her green thumb on your page!

Yo dances around your page~
Shut Yo Trap ~
Zandramas came by to leave a little magic

The Tree Hugger
cana stopped by.
Sabrial passed this way :D

TGP dropped in and left a pic of himself for ya
scarecrowking? wandered by to say hello...
Hey I just wanted to sign your page and thank you for being such a wonderful friend! I love talking to you all the time and having fun :hugs: – (Divineof Rexaura)
Through_Crimson_Eyes dropped in to sign your awesome page
peachtails bounced by :)
Thank you for being the best co-leader a guy could ask for. -BurningIce2003
Life after joining Movoda! Now I Am Spun Out Hard on Rodenticide
Rat Fink
Spiker darkened your doorstep.
portly stopped by to get you wet.

Sparkles stopped by to sword you some sparkly stuff and love!!
jeandk stopped by to give you a
Santok and his pet Dragon stopped by to say HI!
for the nicest person on movoda
Lemon arrived to sign your page – then vanished leaving nothing but a grin.