Movoda Manual - DivineofRexaura

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Yeah, This is my page.

And all that stuff below is regular page stuff.

I don't really care anymore..

know I'm not the most fun person to talk to in chat..

or probably not even the nicest.

Sometimes I worry about self-image too much.. which is stupid..

I don't know what I want anymore..

Makes me wonder if anyone reads this.. see my problem?

All I know is that I can only be the best I can be

No matter what that means

No matter how much I can't get online

It'll Never be enough

Maybe that'll change one day...

Sign if you want..

I'm me..

About Me:

Syrnia Name: Divine of Rexaura (Call me what ya want)

Real Life Name: Alden

Age: 18

Birthday: April 18th, 1991

Interests: Reading, Writing, Acting, Games, Computers, Singing

5590 people have visited this page.


A Sloppy Serenade (AKA: A Poem)

Look at those bells ringing
How they chime
a melodious sonnet rings out
what heavenly sound
we sing
we dance
What does it bring?
What worth could it be?

That's all we ask
Yet we fall
Desire overcoming us
Temptations overtaking them
Futile to Resist
Those chimes never stop ringing
We cannot Drown
We cannot Focus
We cannot Counteract

What does this world want?
Why does it have to be you?
Or me?
Or them?
All we ask is that solid sound
That perfect sound
But can we prevail?
Could we succeed?

Just listen to that Chime
What a beautiful sound
What a marvelous site
The sunset reflecting our sad faces
Oh, What a Sloppy Serenade this has become
Except for that still, small voice
Let us stand, slip, and fall
Because we were never meant to be alone

Hear Your Voice

Gone in the wind,
just hear that bell ring.
All I want to do
is hear your voice sing.

Just one more time,
before I die.
Let me hear your voice,
as I give out one last cry.

Your voice so sweet,
just one more time.
Let me hear your voice,
as soft as a chime.

I'd be so happy
if you'd let me hear
your voice before I die
and see your one last tear.

Rain On Us

Rain down from the sky,
like the ocean tide.
Even in the darkest times,
he's there by our side.

Rain down on us,
with all of your might.
We want to be drenched by your rain of glory,
into the darkest of night.

Rain down through the night,
and let your glory start.
We want to see you now;
God rain down on my heart.

Rain on down, oh God,
and let us see.
What you did for all of us,
and what you did for me.

For the rest of the poems, go here: DoR's Poetry

Guest Book

You have been tagged by Da_nana the Leader of the
Royal Family of the JACK Guild

Togz Was here... and waved at stuff...

Klisten slapped her card on your page

So nice to have met you Breke, it was an honour



Roen signs this page

Trosey has stopped by to say hello. Love the page :)

*Glassy absolutely adores Breke and thinks he is kick butt and sweet and adorable*

*HCQ hugs breke* Nice page. You Rock. You're cute, sweet, nice, and awesome! Don't let anyone change you!!

a_f_c flew into the wall of this page leaving an indent sayin “afc was ere”-10/02/08

Greeneyed_girl was here

Prometheus stopped by to say hello

The Lord of the Essences compels you ;)

ninjalemon says your cool, and dropped a lemon grenade on your page!

Nnej looked for warmth here

Shifty tagged the ice (and got tongue stuck)

AstiaDragonKill Bites your page

Sunshine came by to read your beautiful poetry...and to thank you for all your help...and for being such a sweetheart.

Nice page- pity i cursed it :P (Kriztal)

Nice page brekeice, I like the poetry !! Bren

Phoenix Jewels was here leaving some loving

Ravie Danced around your page

Mnk Was here to heat his ramen up! :o

Through_Crimson_Eyes dropped in to say hi

Raven was here

Discordia rolls an apple onto your page.

Widdie steals your fruit

Heatherr thinks your poems are awesome! <3

Swiftedge thinks that your page is cool :D and your poems are awesome ... your cool the way you are

Little Lady Passing Through To Wish You Happy Holidays (: