Movoda Manual - CookingTime

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If you have a base time for any item which does not currently have a time please add it in and include your name down the bottom!

*NOTE: All times are completely without equipment or time reducing food.

Seconds To CookNameLevel ReqEffectsXP For Success
29 Cooked Mackerel 1 +4HP Restored10 for S
39 Cooked Meat 1 +5HP Restored14 for S
34 Cooked Bass 5 +6HP Restored12 for S
41 Cooked Flounder 8 +7HP Restored25 for S
? Dough 9 Cooking Ingredient15 for S
? Meatloaf 10 +9HP Restored22 for S
? Cooked Haddock 13 +8HP Restored20 for S
26 Ground Meat 15 Cooking Ingredient13 for S
65 Tomato Sauce 16 +3HP Restored25 for S
? Tuna Steak 17 +5HP Restored27 for S
59 Cooked Salmon 18 +10HP Restored30 for S
? Flatbread 19 +5HP Restored25 for S
? Magic Fishsticks 20 +4MP Restored250 for S
69 Shark Steak 21 +6HP Restored32 for S
? Bottle of Juice 22 -1 Smelting Time for 20 minutes22 for S
? Bottle of Soup 23 -2 Fishing Time for 20 minutes35 for S
? Seafood Platter 24 -2 Mining Time for 30 minutes39 for S
? Bottle of Poison 24 Used to poison weapons60 for S
? Salsa 25 +3 Speed for 20 minutes45 for S
? Apple Pie 25 +18HP Restored45 for S
? Stew 26 -2 Woodcutting Time for 30 minutes42 for S
? Pizza 27 -4 Crafting Time for 30 minutes40 for S
? Pike 27 Random Ingredients30 for S
? Oyster Meat 27 +3HP Restored30 for S
? Spaghetti Platter 28 -3 Smithing Time for 25 minutes40 for S
? Muffin 29 +1MP for 40 minutes36 for S
? Tortilla 29 +1HP Restored26 for S
? Bunch of Raisins 30 +4HP Restored50 for S
? Lobster Meat 30 Cooking Ingredient50 for S
? Fruit Salad 30 -3 Harvesting Time for 30 minutes47 for S
? Beetle Goulash 31 +2HP for 20 minutes55 for S
? Chili 31 +1HP Restore for 40 minutes55 for S
? Stuffed Pepper 32 +1 Crafting Success for 30 minutes50 for S
? Tuna Casserole 33 +2 Gem Finding for 30 minutes58 for S
? Taco 33 +1 Max Spell Damage for 15 minutes58 for S
? Meat Pie 34 +16HP Restored60 for S
? Lobster Roll 34 +15HP Restored65 for S
? Scalloped Oysters 34 +1 Smithing Success for 40 minutes60 for S
? Herbal Tea 35 +1MP Restore for 35 minutes60 for S
? Lobster Gazpacho 35 +1 Magic Defense for 15 minutes70 for S
? Shark Squibs 36 -3 Woodcutting Time for 20 minutes70 for S
? Fruitcake 36 Combat Equipment (+4 Defense)92 for S
? Mint Tea 37 +6MP Restored60 for S
? Oyster Casserole 37 +16HP Restored70 for S
? Fried Steak 38 -2 Construction Time for 25 minutes70 for S
? Bottle of Beer 39 +3 Speed for 25 minutes, -1 Agility for 30 minutes47 for S
? Fish Kabob 39 -3 Planting Time for 30 minutes90 for S
? Potatoes Au Gratin 39 +50 Carrying Capacity for 30 minutes80 for S
? Raisin Bread 39 -4 Crafting Time for 25 minutes82 for S
? Berry Cordial 40 +1 Trading Exp for 25 minutes, -5 Speed for 30 minutes47 for S
? Bottle of Vodka 40 -3 Smithing Time for 25 minutes, -2 Smithing Success for 30 minutes? for S
? Bottle of Wine 40 -4 Crafting Time for 25 minutes, -2 Crafting Success for 30 minutes47 for S
? Bottle of Rum 40 -1 Agility for 30 minutes, +2 Attack for 25 minutes? for S
? Seafood Stir Fry 41 -1 Fishing Time for 30 minutes100 for S
? Deviled Eggs 41 +1 Monster Drops for 30 minutes120 for S
? Plum Preserves 41 -2 Random Attacks for 30 minutes110 for S
? Peach Brandy 42 -3 Planting Time for 25 minutes, +2 Planting Failure for 30 minutes47 for S
? Hard Cider 42 -3 Mining Time for 25 minutes, -5 Gem Finding for 30 minutes47 for S
? Quiche 43 +5 Spell Length for 30 minutes125 for S
? Molasses Cookie 43 +1 Wood Cut for 25 minutes125 for S

Page created by Grungy 49