Movoda Manual - JinxsCombatWalkthrough

Getting Started
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This guide was originally created for the [MAD] forums by jinx

First thing's first, this is how I think PERSONALLY is the best way to train combat, if someone tries telling me to change something, I will hit them, this is my opinion, if you don't agree, make another guide yourself.

Anyway, to the guide!

The first thing which I am sure you know about combat which people have probably already told you is that if you are going to start you need a minimum of level 10 character, and in my opinion, 15 speed.

So get speeding until you have these, and now you do, we can move onto the actual action.

Okay, let's get you started! First thing, grab some food and some bronze equip, try to get this setup;

Head: Bronze Full Helm +2 Defence
Face: Bronze Full Helm +2 Defence
Neck: None Available
Upper Body: Bronze Platemail +5 Defence, -2 Agility
Left Hand: Bronze Dagger +2 Attack
Right Hand: Bronze Battleaxe +5 Attack
Gloves: Bronze Gauntlets +1 Defence
Lower Body: Bronze Leg Guards +2 Defence, -1 Agility
Feet: Bronze Sabatons +1 Defence
Ring: Ring of Speed +1 Speed
Tool: Nagaromi Hatchet +2 Attack
Accessory: Banjo +1 attack

At level 3 replace your Bronze Battleaxe with a Young Warriors Sword, which you can get from the “Helping a Young Warrior” quest, which you need level 2 fishing for)
(Also, at level 5, Equip a Bearclaw Necklace and Barktomi armour, and, if you want too, a Nagaromi Sword (same as Young Warriors Sword basically.)

This should give you enough defense and attack to keep playing moskim for a while, the exp may seem low and very slow at first, but trust me, it gets awesome, so be patient. Here at Moskim you will be killing Foxes, Deer's and Wolves until level 10. At level 10, first thing is to get into Iron equip. Try to get this setup;

Head: Iron Full Helm +3 Defence
Face: Iron Full Helm +3 Defence
Neck: Bearclaw Necklace +1 Attack, +1 Defence, +1 HP
Upper Body: Iron Chainmail +5 Defence
Left Hand: Enchanced Iron Dagger +3 Attack +1 Defence
Right Hand: Iron Mace +7 Attack, -1 Defense
Gloves: Barktomi Gloves +2 Defence, +1 Agility
Lower Body: Barktomi Shinguards +2 Defence
Feet: Iron Sabatons +2 Defence
Ring: Ring of Flexibility +2 Agility
Tool: Nagaromi Hatchet +2 Attack
Accessory: Banjo +1 attack

Now, you have 10 Combat and 15 Speed, so about 15 Character too, at least, let's head off to Galawi. In my opinion you should stay at Galawi (although it is tiresome) until level 20, remember higher speed always helps speed combat up. Other people will say at level 18 go Erfdarian and kill Beetles until level 30, but you will realise if you are following my guide, that is a waste of time. Anyway, staying here till 20, there are a few things you may want to do. At level 15 get a Maanvaki Spear and Trident. And then at Level 18 get a Tribal Headdress.

Now, if you have stayed here till 20, time for the next step, and Steel armour. Firstly, shoot for this combat setup at level 20;

Head: Steel Helm +3 Defence
Face: Costume Mask +1 Speed, +1 Defence
Neck: Warriors Necklace +2 Attack, +2 Defence, +2 HP
Upper Body: Steel Platemail +9 Defence, -1 Agility
Left Hand: Enchanced Butterfly Knife +4 Attack, +2 Defence
Right Hand: Elite Katana +8 Attack, +1 Agility
Gloves: Steel Gauntlets +3 Defence
Lower Body: Steel Leg Guards +3 Defence
Feet: Steel Toed Boots +1 Attack, +3 Defence, +1 Agility
Ring: Ring of Flexibility +2 Agility
Tool: Nagaromi Hatchet +2 Attack
Accessory: Banjo +1 attack

Okay, now, before we head off to the next bashing place, you have gone past a few quests which you are fit to do at this level now. First quest to do is the «The Queen's Servants – Fill the Queen's Zoo» quest. It is started at Echtin, however if you haven't already you will have to complete the quick “Lending a Hand” quest first. For the Queen's Zoo, all you have to do is kill 2 foxes, 2 deer, 2 wolves from Moskim, 2 cougars, 2 bears, 2 grizzly bears from Galawi, 2 hawks, 2 lions, and 2 elephants from Barin Plains. Once done you will get a fast 500 Combat experience. Next on the list is the “King Bear Ruckus” quest, go to Galawi, make sure to be in the above equipment, and have plenty food. First thing's first, he asks you to get 10 Cooked Meat for him, hopefully you already have this with you. Also, keep back 40 Animal Skins from your earlier Galawi fighting, and when he asks for them, just give them to him, no hassle. Also, do the same with 20 Bear Claws. You get 2 options, keep or give, I press give just because it seems like the nicer thing to do. Okay, now you get to fight the Bear King, once finished you get quite a pretty reward, and then hand the quest in to the man at Galawi and you will get a nice quick 4,500 Combat experience. Now one more, go to Barin Plains and make sure you have finished the “Mack Daddy” quest that starts there. Once you have you can do the “Warrior's Secret” quest there, talk to the person, basically you have to kill 100 Lions and 50 Elephants.

Okay, now all that is out the way, Barin Plains is were you will be fighting. Okay, so keep fighting here until about combat 25, now you have reached that, let's move on.

**BEFORE ANYTHING – Now is time for some more speed training if you haven't already. Although 25 will sort of do, in my opinion level 30 is best.
At level 25 you will need to make two equipment changes, switch your Warriors Necklace for the awesome Dwarven necklace, and switch your Steel Helm for a Fruitcake. Now is time for you to switch nationality. You will have to do the absolutely horrid leave Faldor quest, but it is definitely worth it. Then, once that is done (make sure to give 1000v at the end) – get 50 codebooks, go to Ravel, and join Odtoni.**

Now, you will be fighting the infamous Peno dropping goblins in Onnix, but at this level you have to be extra careful to make sure you get your setup right. Now, Hobgoblins have 45 Attack, so to afk, you need 55 defense. Your 25 combat levels give you a base of 25 Defense, so to get the other 30 your setup has to be spot on, so to get ideal defense as long as you have followed what has been written so far, all you have to do now is switch your Butterfly Knife for a Spiked Shield. Your setup should look like this;

Head: Fruitcake +4 Defence
Face: Costume Mask +1 Speed, +1 Defence
Neck: Dwarven Necklace +2 Attack, +3 Defence, +3 HP
Upper Body: Steel Platemail +9 Defence, -1 Agility
Left Hand: Spiked Shield +2 Attack, +4 Defence
Right Hand: Elite Katana +8 Attack, +1 Agility
Gloves: Steel Gauntlets +3 Defence
Lower Body: Steel Leg Guards +3 Defence
Feet: Steel Toed Boots +1 Attack, +3 Defence, +1 Agility
Ring: Ring of Flexibility +2 Agility
Tool: Nagaromi Hatchet +2 Attack
Accessory: Banjo +1 attack

Double check to make sure you have 55 Defense, at least.

Okay, now thats sorted, onto Goblins! Goblins are one of mine and many other combatants favourite monsters in this game, as of course, they drop Jalapenos. Now, to use peno's correctly, check what your speed is without them or Excites, then do this sum; ((49-Speed)/2) That should tell you how many penos you need at once for min time, to find out your speed don't use your speed level, click equipment and it will be displayed in there. Now, you know the basics, get your ass to Goblin beating. You can have a break from the guide for 5 levels now, but don't forget it by the time you reach level 30, and before you do reach level 30 there is a quest you will need to do, “The Castle of Dennech Cehuvah” quest, but I won't go into what you have to do, you know how quests work by now. When you have finished that, you will get a Cunovashi and a Varg, which will be your pride and joy until level 40 now.

Now that you're level 30 and have your Cuno and Varg, get this combat setup;

Head: Fruitcake +4 Defence
Face: Costume Mask +1 Speed, +1 Defence
Neck: Dwarven Necklace +2 Attack, +3 Defence, +3 HP
Upper Body: Aluminium Plate +7 Defence, +1 Speed
Left Hand: Cunovashi +6 Attack, -3 Defence, +1 Speed
Right Hand: Varg +11 Attack, +2 Defence, -2 Speed
Gloves: Aluminium Gauntlets +3 Defence, +1 Speed
Lower Body: Aluminium Shin Guards +3 Defence, +1 Speed
Feet: Aluminium Clogs +4 Defence, +2 Speed
Ring: Ring of Flexibility +2 Agility
Tool: Nagaromi Hatchet +2 Attack
Accessory: Tuba +1 Defense

If this setup gives your 56 Defense or more, change your Tuba for a Banjo, but just be on the safe side at first..

Okay, now there isn't really much else, just more goblin killing, with much faster and better exp. At level 33 you have the option to change to Alu-weave, but in my opinion Aluminium is better, unless you have 49 speed of course, haha. Okay, now it's just straight goblin bashing to level 40, so get to it!

Hurray! You're level 40, time to get in with the big boys. Now, before we move onto all the other specifics, Speed train, now. If you are already 30, get 35, if you aren't yet 30, at least get that.

Now, time to leave Odtoni, say your goodbyes to the dwarves and mine 1000 Stone, and then you're neutral. It's about time you get to work on kicking some Rhizard Ass.

First off, as usual, get this setup;

Head: Titanium Helm +5 Defence
Face: Titanium Helm +5 Defence
Neck: Dwarven Necklace +2 Attack, +3 Defence, +3 HP
Upper Body: Titanium Breastplate +11 Defence
Left Hand: Rhizard Spear +18 Attack, +5 Defense, +2 Agility
Right Hand: Rhizard Spear +18 Attack, +5 Defense, +2 Agility
Gloves: Titanium Gauntlets +5 Defence
Lower Body: Titanium Shin Guards +5 Defence
Feet: Titanium Boots +5 Defence
Ring: Ring of Flexibility +2 Agility
Tool: Nagaromi Hatchet +2 Attack
Accessory: Banjo +1 attack

Rhizards can only be fought in Danycia, so first things first, you will have to use Boat Tickets and Fred's wharf to get there and back. However you can fish with a CB on your way, and rhizards definitely make up for the tiring trip.

The long trip back and forth is boring, but the experience and drops are definitely worth it. Now, basics are to try and just fight there until level 50. I didn't stay there myself until level 50, but looking back I really should have. At level 50, it's time for Cythe, your combat doesn't really need to change much at all, so the next part of the guide will be quite erm, Brief. Go to Bulbas, he will tell you to go to one of three cities to do a quest to join Erfdar, always go to Hikori for the woodcutting quest, it is only 100 logs. Now, get to beating up Trees in Cythe. You will be here until combat 65, so get used too it. One thing you will have to do before combatting to Cythe though is get at least 35 Speed, of course once again I didn't, but I really should have. And if you already have this or higher, go for 40. Okay, so as your progress towards level 65, you have to make sure you always have at least 84 defense, but try to wear some Aluminium equipment, along with other +Speed items as long as you always have 84 defense, with Speed 35 (or close) and the right equip at level 50 combat, you can get minimum time permanently, no penos. So, have you finally finished all your tree bashing levels? Level 65 now? Great.

As usual, this is the set-up you should be aiming for, but before I show you, next thing you will be fighting is Golems and Cave Dragons, so really you need at least 125 Defence to be afk'ing here. Which means plainly from equip you need to find a total of 60 Defence.

Now, this is a mainly defence set-up, which you will be using for your first 7 levels at least at Golems, until you change the Aliki Targe for a Tinran Dirk;

Head: Aliki Helm +8 Defence
Face: Aliki Helm +8 Defense
Neck: Dwarven Necklace +2 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP
Upper Body: Aliki Breastplate +14 Defence
Left Hand: Aliki Targe +13 Defense, -1 Speed, +2 HP, -2 Agility
Right Hand: Tinran Rapier +17 Attack, +5 Defense
Gloves: Aliki Gauntlets +8 Defense
Lower Body: Aliki Legs +8 Defense
Feet: Aliki Shoes +8 Defense
Ring: Ring of Flexibility +2 Agility
Tool: Nagaromi Hatchet +2 Attack
Accessory: Banjo +1 attack

Now, adding it up with the 65 defence from your combat level, this gives you 132 defence, which is enough by quite a bit, and if you like you could change your Tinran Rapier for a Tinran Mallet (+26 Attack, -1 Speed, -1 Agility) However when it comes to Cave Dragons you're going to need all the Agility you can get.. Now, this isn't what I really recommend, it is however the set-up I personally will be using, because I'm an Offence freak.

Head: Aliki Helm +8 Defence
Face: Aliki Helm +8 Defence
Neck: Ona Talisman +3 Attack, +3 Defense, +2 Speed, +3 HP
Upper Body: Aliki Breastplate +14 Defence
Left Hand: Tinran Dirk +10 Attack, +2 Speed
Right Hand: Tinran Mallet +26 Attack, -1 Speed, -1 Agility
Gloves: Aliki Gauntlets +8 Defence
Lower Body: Aliki Legs +8 Defence
Feet: Aliki Shoes +8 Defence
Ring: Ring of Life +1 Defence, +1 HP
Tool: Sharp Pocketknife +1 Defence, +1 Attack
Accessory: Devilish Brooch +1 Attack, +2 Defense, +1 Agility

Now if I'm not entirely wrong, this gives enough defense still to afk Golems, however it won't be as consistent as the last method..

Anyway, I rambled on a bit there, onto the actual thing.

First thing is to leave erf, which is a horror, then join Odtoni, which as you know is easy. Now you are Odtoni, get to Golem beating! Oh and one more thing, if you don't have Speed level 40, get it, now. And I'm sure you can decide what food you want now. Now as before with what I said about Cythe, as you level, make sure to maintain a high enough defence, but play around with your set-up and try to get as much speed as possible, up to 49. This will be long and tiring, but you will now be Golem bashing until level 80 minimum, once you're there, why are you lame enough to still be following this guide? :P


For minimum fighting time, you need your equipment screen to say you have 49 speed

For minimum speed training time, use this formula: (96-(speed level+(equipment bonus * 2)))/2

When fighting, to be able to afk (get hit for 2 and less) you need your defense to be 10 above the enemies attack

Agility = Combat Level+(Character level/2)


If there are any typing errors or any of the items have been given incorrect stats, please message me about them, thanks. :)

11754 clever people chose my guide instead of the other crappy ones. (;