Hidden History of Movoda as I see it – Judas Goat
Erfdar Collusion:
Found in Hikori after a flood.
“Look you are being over-run by goblins, right?”
“Well, I wouldn't say 'over-run'. I mean you have all of those beetles.”
“What if we get the humans to thin them out?”
“You know I like that. I don't want to be crowded though.”
“Neither do we. What if we just show them the dangerous areas and keep the prime areas secret?”
“How do we get them to come?”
“Charge an admission fee.”
“How big?”
“The bigger the better. That way they will want to come and get pounded by the beetles, vines and wild elves.”
“Heh! The goblins will love that! Maybe they can even drop the dragon population? Nah, not likely. How do we keep them from leaving?”
“Hmm. Got it! We grant them citizenship!”
“What! Are you crazy? Never!”!!
“Listen. It is a temporary citizenship. Obviously they are not Elf or Dwarf. But that means they have to revoke their Faldoran citizenship. Think of what the Queen will say.”
“She'll never let them back or even go.”
“We'll have to cut her in on this part of the plan. You see in order to give up citizenship you have to pay to leave. The Queen will love that! When they come back they have to pay again.”
“That is a great idea. We do the same when they want to leave, eh?”
“I knew you would like it. Think I'll run them around a bit and maybe weed my garden.”
“You worry about your weeds. I want ore. I also want all those connect the dot books we had made that the natives think are code books of some kind. The children love them!”
“Oh yeah, maybe some of those pianos too. I wonder how cheap I can get one. The Queen wants a lot for one. Thinks she has the market cornered.”
“Won't they catch on?”
“How about we raid each other once a year to keep our armies in shape. We let them help. See how many of them we can put in the hospital.”
“What about our troops? I don't want to lose a seasoned veteran to a lucky blow.”
“Let's use our new recruits then.”
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So now we have to find a way to get them here. I think all we have to do is leave an old boat there and they will come over.
You really sure we want them here?
Honestly, I am sure we don't. So we better find a way to divert their attention from us and then exploit them later. The simple fact is they breed too fast. We need to keep them occupied with other things. We also may want to keep the fact that we are allied hidden from them.
Right, we don't want to bring them into the alliance. Then they will want help with everything.
It is more than that. They try to kill everything they fear. They do not know how to exist with nature. They have no respect for the trees or the mountains. They just take all they can get with no regards for the surroundings.
They do appear short-sighted. Maybe that is because of their relatively short lifespans.
We need something to slow them down.
Well, we were able to contain those human tribesmen so we can contain them as well. Only those elephant riders caused any real problem. Hey! What if we point them at the Faldorians?
Now that's an idea. But we have to time the release of each group. I'm thinking that we send the elephant riders in last to finish them off.
That is a mistake. Send the elephant riders first and then use the other tribes to mop them up.
Well if we wipe them out, then who will help thin out the beetles and goblins?
Forgot about that. Pass me that flask of honey mead. Getting thirsty. You didn't have to record that! You drink that nectar stuff!
At any rate, you do agree that using the tribes is a good containment strategy?
Sounds good to me. ==Wipes lips.== It will also give us a chance to see how big of a threat they are. Let the generals handle the strategy. So do we aid any of the tribes?
Well our spies have seen they have bronze and some iron. We also managed to do a little sabotage on their furnace so it can't do steel. Your guy's help with where to weaken it worked as planned. Good job. That will set them back a lot. It is a shame that storm drove that boat into that pier. Almost stranded our spy. Their smiths aren't that good but are getting there. I figure we can give the tribes a few improved weapons, but nothing better than iron. They won't be able to show the Faldorians how to make more since we made it. We could give them that woven grass armor and that training plate that is really heavy and hard to use, but it is tough.
“We can find a few items for some of the other tribes. I think we have some of the early designs of our masks around and I'd love to get my wife's ladle out of the house. That thing smarts!”
So after the tribes have beaten them do we come in and save the day for them leaving them in our debt?
Now that would work great. But just in case Faldor wins, we want to stay hidden as that means they are stronger than anticipated. We ought to observe them a bit.
I hate this hiding and sneaking around. I say we just bust some heads.
We really want to check them out first. The other part of our spy's report says that some of them 'may' be in the 'hero' category.
What! What else is in that report.
Well, they seem to be settling into working groups. They call them guilds. Overall it makes them stronger units.
So what size are these guilds?
It varies and so does their internal structure. Some people move between groups. We are not sure how this helps. Would you want some stranger to just come over for awhile and then leave?
That can't possibly work.
Whether it works or not is not why we are here. How best to use Faldor is why we are here. There is one last thing we need to consider.
What's that? We leave them a boat to find us and they come over. They fight the tribes. Faldor loses and we save them or Faldor barely wins and we contain them and then use them."**
!!(blue)The other possibility is that Faldor crushes the tribes. That is bad. We need to think about that, but I am hungry. Let's take a break and have a bite to eat.
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Page 3 is unreadable due to water damage and blueberry stains.
Having translation checked.
Currently hidden from the Queen's men.