Movoda Manual - JudasGoat

Getting Started
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Ronin Guild Experience

Judas Goat

Member Since: 2006-12-17 02:04:19
Active playing time: 1434 Days, 0 Hours, 16 Minutes
Member Number: 0000000442
Character Experience: 247,930,355
Character Level: 125
Highest Skill: Combat Level 141
Nationality: Odtoni
Guild: Ronin
Guild Position: Leader

Judas Goat's Skills

Judas Goat
Ranked #23 at Speed
Judas Goat
Ranked #205 at Mining
Judas Goat
Ranked #8 at Combat
Judas Goat
Ranked #65 at Magic
Judas Goat
Ranked #23 at Trading
Judas Goat
Ranked #206 at Woodcutting
Judas Goat
Ranked #81 at Smithing
Judas Goat
Ranked #165 at Construction
Judas Goat
Ranked #177 at Cooking
Judas Goat
Ranked #309 at Fishing
Judas Goat
Ranked #252 at Crafting
Judas Goat
Ranked #162 at Harvesting
Judas Goat
Ranked #17 at Cards

Guild Greenhouse data

The Books of Movoda – Judas Goat version 0.1

The Lost History of Movoda as I see it. – Judas Goat

Latest Monsters?

Monster: Wyrm
HP: 300
Attack: 180
Defense: 168
Magic Defense: 40
Speed: 50
Agility: 160
Exp: 450

Monster: Phoenix
HP: 200
Attack: 160
Defense: 155
Magic Defense: 30
Speed: 60
Agility: 175
Exp: 400

Monster: Ancient Serpent
HP: 200
Attack: 145
Defense: 135
Magic Defense: 30
Speed: 50
Agility: 140
Exp: 250

Monster: Chimera
HP: 240
Attack: 158
Defense: 150
Magic Defense: 30
Speed: 55
Agility: 155
Exp: 350

Monster: Elder Pine
HP: 75
Attack: 85
Defense: 70
Magic Defense: 20
Speed: 16
Agility: 58
Exp: 100

Monsters killed by Judas Goat



Jade Alyssum has taged your page and said..
Judas is the best ever

Rae stopped in For a Chat and Left ya Her Mark! ::)

Nice work on the guild greenhouse data
*hugs from Innocence

krzyamy!! stopped by