^Decided to add a picture I drew, drawn on: April 10th, 2008^
Member Since: 2007-11-26 07:23:36
Active playing time: 31 Days, 21 Hours, 6 Minutes
Member Number: 0000003849
Character Experience: 486,823
Character Level: 25
Highest Skill: Speed Level 23
Nationality: Faldorian
Lucifer_Awakens's Skills- Speed Level 23 (380,505 Exp)
- Combat Level 23 (350,104 Exp)
- Construction Level 23 (342,287 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 18 (152,715 Exp)
- Magic Level 7 (9,261 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 6 (5,250 Exp)
- Trading Level 2 (698 Exp)
- Mining Level 2 (390 Exp)
- Cards Level 1 (21 Exp)
Ranked #2,377 in Character Level
Ranked #1,712 in Speed
Ranked #6,484 in Mining
Ranked #1,522 in Combat
Ranked #2,637 in Magic
Ranked #3,687 in Trading
Ranked #2,010 in Woodcutting
Ranked #4,406 in Smithing
Ranked #1,251 in Construction
Ranked #4,947 in Cooking
Ranked #6,761 in Fishing
Ranked #4,300 in Crafting
Ranked #3,030 in Harvesting
Ranked #2,965 in Cards
Monsters killed by Lucifer_Awakens
- 4 Baby Flame Giant
- 6,157 Bear
- 1 Bunny
- 6,775 Cougar
- 2,127 Deer
- 2,523 Elephant
- 1,030 Fox
- 4 Ghost
- 1,230 Grizzly Bear
- 238 Hawk
- 1 King Bear
- 1,616 Lion
- 3 Lizard Warrior
- 7 Lizardman
- 24 Mad Cow
- 2 Nagaromi Infantry
- 41 Nagaromi Miner
- 229 Nagaromi Scout
- 4 Nagaromi Spearman
- 48 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 22 Parrot
- 60 Pirate
- 5 Pirate Captain
- 52 Wolf
My 2003 Impala at a car show

Why is our country SUPPOSEDLY a FREE country, yet we had so many laws prohibiting us from doing pretty much anything except: work, eat, sleep, n sports; If we really are a FREE country, then there shouldn't be any laws, they should give us information about everything and if we choose to do the things that are unhealthy for us then we'll jus die, but im sure humans are smart enought to know what they should and shouldn't do n what's good and bad to survive, after all isn't that why we were put on Earth, to live n survive, not be held down by laws, and the only law that we should have is if you kill someone, then you shall be killed...that's how i see it. If you think about it the first humans were jus like todays animals..Just trying to survive, they never faught other humans just animals, and they never had laws, they had a leader, but it was just for hunting animals other than that everyone was equal...I think we could learn something from the past.. The way things are going today..The planet is going to be blown away in a massive nuclear war because did u kno where are 433 nuclear weapons in the world, the U.S. owns 103 of them, and with 103 they could blow up the entire world around 3,000 times...so the war is going to b between the U.S. and some other country, but the whole world is going to deal with the after math so why fight..why not jus dissarm every nuclear weapon on this planet, we allready have enough problems right now like glabal warming, or an UV blast from the astroid belt around the earth...
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Sunshine was here babe ♥
Just came by to leave you lots of X's and O's ;) ~ Babsy
ninjalemon says your cool, and dropped a lemon grenade on your page. Heres some LEMO-NADE
G Was here.
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Lexxy has fondled this page..
trosey stopped by to show your page some lovin'
came to visit Lucifer

stopped by to gaze at the hottness known as L.A.
Roen sees a devil

*Makeveli went for a stroll to your page*
Shifty crossed your page
Kriztal harvested your page :P
carlososo777said nice page
Stopped by to say hello
Krazy_Amy has kissed your page xoxo.
trosey was here to say hello and put her stamp on your page ;)
spirit was here
Alamak The Crazy was here :D
Golden Hammered
Hiya on your wall XD