Movoda Manual - Serpent

Getting Started
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Marillion – When i meet god  Marillion -Fantastic place
Marillion – The man from planet marzipan Marillion -Wrapped up in time

Call me crazy but i am a Marillion fan


Member Since: 2007-10-13 12:06:15
Active playing time: 533 Days, 13 Hours, 42 Minutes
Member Number: 0000003375
Character Experience: 20,596,524
Character Level: 67
Highest Skill: Combat Level 68
Nationality: Faldorian
Guild: The Alorium
Guild Position: Temp Leader

serpent's Skills
Ranked #482 in Character Experience

Monsters killed by serpent

Card stats for serpent

Martijn was here.. *hugs and kisses*

The 3 rd Hell was here, here and also here :P *big fat kisses*

Bhangra wandered in to say hi :D

Signysign by Nirvy!

talk2dahand was here and left you an apple and a banana :D

Someone just came to *bite* you ::)

best wishes from D2 and his stick >:)

pibird was here, wrapped you in pastry and ate you :)

Cruzon stoped by to say hi, nice page:) Now I go bye.

ask_my_dog stop by to give you 1 kiss for every letter and number on this page.

serpent! watcha doooooin?? hows the netherlands treatin ya? your awesome :D

the love above left by Shut Yo Trap :)-

Gotta love the penguin ;) Spendy

Thank you kindly for signing my page, the pictures and images here are hilarious, nice page:)



Klisten slapped her card here for u

Phil was here ;]

Yoshi Loved the cat pictures!

huge hug and kiss from diabloii :)

farmerboy Was here to look at your awsome skills, and said Keep up the good work:)!

G'day its your guy the one and only!! ZAKARON! hi babe nice page.

Bratzer Waves Hi to Serpent and :hugs: her :D

Ripe for the picking, the enemy fell like leaves as the hero sliced through them..

Very nice profile ! from Pinksky

theniteprophet fluttered by to get her daily

*Riot-Officer gave to Serpent the dead sliced body of Fred like he promised also he hugged and kissed you*

Duckers has waddled by

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