| Wolfmage Member Since: 2007-05-06 00:34:56 Active playing time: 977 Days, 16 Hours, 32 Minutes Member Number: 0000001478 Character Experience: 32,471,476 Character Level: 75 Highest Skill: Combat Level 69 Nationality: Erfdarian Guild: Kingdom of Avalon Guild Position: *V.I.P*
Kills made by Da Wolf
Crisis has been killed by Wolfmage
In Loving Memory Of Klisten
And the god's cried their tears frozen solid but the avarice of ignorance turned them to snow which fell like angel's wings against his face as he stared at the heavens
This was painted up by Canadian Air Force personnel in Afgahanistan
In the begining there was emptiness and into this emptiness came a conciousness. This conciousness said this is not good, there is nothing. And this conciousness gathered its will and out of the nothingness was create the universe and into this universe it gave part of itself. This part, this Spirit if you will of the conciousness caused forth for the beasts and man and all forms of life to be brought forward.
My Son
My Daughter
Monsters killed by Wolfmage
- 904 Arctic Fox
- 5 Baby Dragon
- 11 Baby Flame Giant
- 19 Baby Frost Giant
- 220 Bandit
- 33 Barktomi Elephant Rider
- 75 Barktomi Fighter
- 71 Barktomi Raider
- 152 Bay Shark
- 11,346 Bear
- 3,080 Bronze Golem
- 3,654 Brown Toad
- 626 Bunny
- 20 Cave Dragon
- 32,000 Cave Goblin
- 6,921 Cavelurk
- 100 Charging Rhino
- 3,161 Chicken
- 10,920 Cougar
- 824 Deer
- 1 Dennech Cehuvah
- 65 Drop Bear
- 88 Dwarven Fighter
- 336 Dwarven Raider
- 131 Elder Ash
- 31,291 Elephant
- 297 Elk
- 399 Elven Mage
- 55 Faerie Knight
- 2 Faerie Lord
- 16 Fairy
- 231 Firbolg Giant
- 10 Flame Giant
- 722 Fox
- 2,049 Frog
- 13 Ghost
- 64,818 Giant Black Bat
- 16,945 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 16,818 Giant Bug Beetle
- 936 Giant Elk
- 17,017 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 119 Giant Roc
- 655 Giant Salamander
- 303 Goblin Zombie
- 121 Great White Shark
- 2,083 Grizzly Bear
- 1,965 Grue
- 2,775 Hawk
- 3,036 Headless Horseman
- 31,606 Hobgoblin
- 2,855 Iron Golem
- 201 Jade Golem
- 26 Killer Dolphin
- 227 Killer Tomato
- 6,318 Killer Vine
- 1 King Bear
- 40 Lightning Elemental
- 19,874 Lion
- 5,912 Living Oak
- 232 Lizard Warrior
- 205 Lizardman
- 3 Lizardman Zombie
- 572 Maanvaki Scout
- 212 Maanvaki Shaman
- 842 Maanvaki Warrior
- 50,834 Marakite Mage
- 29,999 Marakite Master
- 30 Marakite Shaman
- 53,166 Marakite Trainee
- 1,561 Minotaur
- 5,653 Mountain Goat
- 5,929 Mountain Lion
- 34 Nagaromi Infantry
- 620 Nagaromi Miner
- 2,601 Nagaromi Scout
- 41 Nagaromi Spearman
- 618 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 76 Ona Spearman
- 25 Ona Warlord
- 95 Ona Warrior
- 631 Parrot
- 2,051 Pirate
- 42 Pirate Admiral
- 528 Pirate Captain
- 1,015 Pirate Grenadier
- 10 Pumpking Warrior
- 1 Quarter Master
- 5 Raccoon
- 1 Raging Tree
- 1,594 Rhizard
- 1,099 Rhizard Plunderer
- 888 Rhizard Prowler
- 2,043 Saphirik Warrior
- 73 Sjirkomi Cook
- 69 Sjirkomi Shaman
- 72 Sjirkomi Soldier
- 336 Snow Owl
- 416 Spectre
- 201 Squirrel
- 2,942 Steel Golem
- 1,004 Turtle
- 788 Vampire
- 359 Werewolf
- 65,310 White Bat
- 1,330 Wild Elven Gatherer
- 1,307 Wild Elven Hunter
- 601 Willow
- 993 Wolf
- 437 Yeti
| Wolfmage Ranked #342 in Character Experience |
<3 Classy
Klisten slapped her card here and says great pics Wolfie
Nice Pics and Stats Wolf! Babsy
Mari came to play tag with her Wolfie Darling
Jade Alyssum stopped by to tag and say nice page wolfman
Beddy was here..
Prometheus stopped by to say hello
Nnej smacks her siggy on this page
Nice page Wolf
babydoll84stoped by to share the love for the stars
Little Lady Passing Through To Wish You Happy Holidays (:
The brat-prince
Lestat dropped by for the 'little drink'... till next time...