*BB says Sky started this but Sun says Sky was not even around*
Message from Skylar on 2009–04–07 23:22:38
Forwarded Message from Beautifl Btrfly 20? on 2009–04–07 08:01:49:
Aeval is a pothetic little bitch?
Hmm I wonder how that could be.. She wasn't the one that walked into someone elses relationship.. Being friends, and took her boyfriend..
Plus to add that she isn't the one sitting at home everyday with no friends and heartbroken if she doesn't talk to her boyfriend for a couple hours..
Just makes me curious who really is the pothetic one?
If you weren't such a clueless bitch, you would have realized a long time ago that you have been getting screwed for a long time..
So don't go steppin on the wrong toes hunny, because I know more about your life then you do..
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Message from Skylar on 2009–04–07 23:25:02
Fwd: to bad
Forwarded Message from Puppet Master? on 2009–04–06 06:38:38:
Since Jennifer would not listen your up next. Thank Jimmy when you see him. Since he is unable to tell either 3 of you the truth well I will just have to do it for him. Why don't you start by asking your self. Why it is that he made you hate her? Or better yet why don't you ask to see his airline tickets from all his trips. Or even better yet, why not ask him why it is that you can't get him to tell the truth about how many other women he has been with in the last year. But you probally want thruth huh? I will send it to you jessica.cambardella@yahoo.com I hope you enjoy your life now. I know I will enjoy destroying Jimmy Moody one way or another.
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Message from Skylar on 2009–04–08 00:25:12
I feel like I am gunna go crazy, and I love ice so much but I am tired, so very tired of the fear in my heart, because he is in VA, with her 5 hours away from me 5 days a week. I found out today, that my back is so bad, regular surgeons wont touch me.
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Message from Skylar on 2009–04–07 23:29:55
Re: Fwd:
i just dont understand why someone would hate him so much, i mean BB20 is implying she is fucking ice. and i wanna tell zing but ice said no i sent the puppet master to mskwik
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Message from Skylar on 2009–04–07 23:33:21
Fwd: Re: a good deed
Forwarded Message from Puppet Master? on 2009–04–07 18:11:52:
It seems I have my work cut out for me. Forwarded Message from Beautifl Btrfly 20? on 2009–04–07 06:26:40:
Aeval knows.. She has known for a while, I have told her..
Skylar, I have not told for the purpose that Aeval asked me not too.. So I haven't
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I advised her to iggy BB20 and PM. But PM is out to get you man.
Today I started to clear out some of the crud that was being slung by PM.
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To Aeval
Message from beorn on 2009–04–08 13:13:33
OK what is the history....the drama lamma has stuck their nose into my guild and you are being cited as the root.
Do you know ice in real life? Or is BB just stirring up trouble and trying to make you a patsy?
Forwarded Message from Beautifl Btrfly 20? on 2009–04–07 08:01:49:
Aeval is a pothetic little bitch?
Hmm I wonder how that could be.. She wasn't the one that walked into someone elses relationship.. Being friends, and took her boyfriend..
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Message from Aeval on 2009–04–08 13:33:07
Re: Ice
I am the root and I am sorry for causing your guild any problems what so ever. At this point I am seriously thinking of leaving the game as Puppet Master has openly said in world chat that ice is dating both Skylar and I. Whether or not its true or not no longer matters. However, if Skylar had not called me a pathetic little bitch BB would not have jumped both feet into the middle of it. I have taken great pains to stay away from Skylar on this game as I did not want anyone mixed up in her hatered for me. She and I have a long sorrid past and I do not want to get into because we were both wrong about a few things. All I can do is aplogize.
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Message from beorn on 2009–04–08 13:35:48
Re: Ice
OK Sky never knew about you. And from what Sun said she was not the one who said it. This is all hearsay so I do not know what is going on there.
But I do know that they have been dating for 6 months. Are you saying that Ice has been seeing you too?
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Message from Aeval on 2009–04–08 13:44:19
Fwd: Re: to bad
This is the message that puppet master sent me and also forwarded to BB20 and a few others. Although it does not say Aeval it is certainly implied. Forwarded Message from Puppet Master? on 2009–04–07 07:48:23:
Nice to know your a pathetic little bitch huh? Forwarded Message from Skylar on 2009–04–07 03:58:19:
you don't know me if you did you would tell me who you are, I dont know what you talking about, I don't communicate with her because I chose not to, as I said he wanted us to remain friends, I have no need to be friends with a pathetic little bitch.
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Message from beorn on 2009–04–08 13:52:08
Fwd: Ice
first never trust a forwarded message. They can be changed.
And knowing the sequence of events I know that message was sent after Puppet Master followed up on BB's letter. Having seen Puppet Master's evil and vile letters I would have no difficulty believing he would distort things. He even admitted that he does not care about you girls and that his only goal was to destroy Ice.
Personally I believe that comment was about BB20 since I know that she turned the letter over to Mskwik with a harrasment complaint then iggyed BB20. She did the same with PM.
And I notice you did not answer my question. Is Ice pursuing a relationship with you too?
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Message from Aeval on 2009–04–08 13:55:44
Re: Fwd: Ice
Ice perused a relationship with BB20 in the last month. She is not the only woman on here he has persued I have gotten alot of mail in reguards to it.
I won't comment on my relationship with ice as that is my personal life. I will say that Skylar is not telling the complete truth as well.
I am leaving the game for a while so things should calm down. I am so sorry for the strife I have caused in your guild.
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Message from beorn on 2009–04–08 14:01:47
Re: Fwd: Ice
It is better to stay. Keep a low profile. And do not let the stress eat you up. Sky has not iggyed you. You have not conducted yourself in an improper manner. But if the game has stolen your joy then I understand. Since you go nuetral and claim it is private, then I will have no choice but to assume that what BB insinuated is true that Sky stole Ice from you. But our conversations are private. I will not be telling Sky, but I do plan to talk to ice. I was actually going to try and visit him next week. I have to be in Aberdeen Maryland a week from Friday. If you are in the area come say hi to me at Game con. You deserve a hug for all the crap that the llamas are stirring up in your life.
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This was sent to Rae Rae and Aveal
Message from beorn on 2009–04–08 14:32:58
Do not let AEVAL leave
Rae she is being used badly by Puppet Master?. It appears that someone she knows may have been playing the field and PM is using that to attack and destroy the guy. The problem is that he is hurting the women too, but he does not care. No matter how much damage he does to to the women is fine, as long as he gets the guy.
PM's Qoute is “I know I will enjoy destroying Jimmy Moody one way or another.”
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OK man, I was hoping to see you, Tank and Dos. Here is the info. Deal with it as you choose. But if you have been playing the lady in every port like some jar heads I know you might want to do it where the ladies do not talk or communicate with each other. Right now I am concerned about Aeval and Sky, mainly Sky. You got enough problems with PM blatantly admitting he wants to destroy you in a personal manner. I hope this recon gives you enough info to clean the situation and redeem some honor.