crasyfingers Member Since: 2008-02-20 12:19:06 Active playing time: 98 Days, 1 Hours, 51 Minutes Member Number: 0000004813 Character Experience: 1,567,831 Character Level: 34 Highest Skill: Fishing Level 36 Nationality: Erfdarian
crasyfingers's Skills- Fishing Level 36 (1,866,225 Exp)
- Construction Level 27 (657,616 Exp)
- Speed Level 24 (399,250 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 21 (257,356 Exp)
- Combat Level 18 (163,849 Exp)
- Magic Level 16 (111,681 Exp)
- Smithing Level 13 (54,520 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 9 (18,418 Exp)
- Mining Level 8 (11,630 Exp)
- Cooking Level 7 (9,516 Exp)
- Trading Level 5 (3,286 Exp)
Monsters killed by crasyfingers
- 3,744 Bear
- 58 Brown Toad
- 3,827 Cougar
- 3,912 Deer
- 64 Elephant
- 1,946 Fox
- 33 Frog
- 6 Ghost
- 156 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 135 Giant Bug Beetle
- 123 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 5 Giant Salamander
- 763 Grizzly Bear
- 5 Hawk
- 49 Lion
- 1 Nagaromi Miner
- 6 Nagaromi Scout
- 1 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 1 Pirate
- 1 Raging Tree
- 82 Wolf
crasyfingers Ranked #1,679 at Speed |
crasyfingers Ranked #3,736 at Mining |
crasyfingers Ranked #1,707 at Combat |
crasyfingers Ranked #1,488 at Magic |
crasyfingers Ranked #2,409 at Trading |
crasyfingers Ranked #1,585 at Woodcutting |
crasyfingers Ranked #1,095 at Smithing |
crasyfingers Ranked #877 at Construction |
crasyfingers Ranked #2,536 at Cooking |
crasyfingers Ranked #326 at Fishing |
crasyfingers Ranked #4,297 at Crafting |
G'day Crasyfingers, I'm glad to be the first to enchant you with a hug from – Temperashional -
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sweetstuff stopped in to say high
Brynhild stopped by to claim her spot on your page. >:)