Movoda Manual - enemylist

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Just some thinkering.

As is now, there's no politics, no diplomacy, there's only berserkers and rogues vs helpless 'farmers' and useless white knights.

What if there was something like an enemy list?

As of now, if you attack a guild, all allies can defend that guild, but although they can help defend, there's no way to retaliate on their defense.

A attacks B. X is an ally of B and helps defend vs A. However, A is too high in the rankings to be able to attack X thus making it easy for defenders.

What if we made some kind of enemy list?
The enemy list would contain everyone you can attack no matter their ranking.
Guilds on that list, would be guilds that have defended other guilds vs attacks from your guild.
Guilds that attack you, will also get on the same enemy list. To make sure, that once they 'drop' in the combat ranking, you'll still be able to make them pay for what they did.
This would give a new dimension to guildwars as well as something extra to keep the tension in guildwars.

Once the list itself is brought to life, various other 'extra features' could be added to it.
Such as: People that were in an enemy listed guild, also become targets and depending on how high the ranking of that member his/her previous guild was (on that enemy list), his/her new guild could come on your enemy list as well.

Or even better: Guilds that are allied to a guild on your enemy list, can be attacked by all your allies as well as yourself. Thus making it harder to decide whom your allies are.

This would of course also mean that guilds cannot have the same allies as the guilds on their enemy list.

Final note:
Having this with a poll, would mean 90% NO, 2% YES and 3% Tee! Dee! Dee!

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Ware ware? Somos Soldados! Hiyaaa!
Silversword [I10Mafia]
2009–01–05 20:01:17
Re: Enemy List Interesting? idea.

I am pondering this point “This would of course also mean that guilds cannot have the same allies as the guilds on their enemy list.”

You can't ally with your own enemy? Or your allies can't ally with your enemy? A friend of my enemy is not my friend....I think that's what you are trying to say (?) — Might make for some interesting permutations.

Interesting Idea....but the fact that if we are top combat guild (#6) and this would allow us to “pummel” a low-ranking guild, might be unfair, no?

Last Edited: Mon Jan 5 20:01:33 2009
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amrytje [I10Mafia]
2009–01–06 04:01:32
Re: Enemy List Yup?, indeed. Every ally from every guild on your enemy list, would also become your enemy. As in: A attacks B and both have 1 as ally, 1 would automatically get a msg of some sorts, to choose a side. Either go with B in this conflict or stick with A.

It would not be unfair. As it is now, we can put you in a guild, help you get the needed resources for a HQ. Then you schedule like 100 raids on all the guilds you can attack (al the smallest ones of course). With us as allies, they can't even retaliate, cause everytime someone comes to destroy your HQ, Alaren, Dose, GH, Spanish and all the others will be there to help you.

It's time to make allies more important. Time to make it so that you don't get to pick as many allies as you want.
For instance, MAD has like 23913204059923 allies. When this proposal would turn into a reality (lol, as if, MAD and all their friends will trash the idea immediatly), people will stop building HQ's to get as many allies as possible. Instead, people will start to think and use their brains, before adding allies to their list.
It would make everything so much more interesting.
Guildwars would then be made into Guild WARS. Not like it is now... Guildlittlescrambles...

As an addition you could also have the enemy list made in such way, that if you have an enemy and want to have peace, one or both guilds can sign a treaty... Of course, this treaty can come with 'demands'. As in for example: guild A needs to pay such or such for this long. Or something alike.