Movoda Manual - howtoearnvessi

Getting Started
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There are several ways to earn vessi!

1.This way is a very handy one!
crafting kills >:) i mean crafting fails much in the beginning
Step 1: Buy a pocketknife and a bronze Hatchet at the general store in echtin
Step 2: Chop 100 logs at Rissdra (or more if you like)
Step 3: Go to Port Schow and equip you're pocketknife and start making fishing rods from all you're logs
Step 4: Start fishing till you have around 50–100 mackerels and cook them with a tinderbox which you can buy at the general store in Echtin
Step 5: sell you're fishing rods at the shop that appeared in Lake essdar
Step 6: you now earned vessi

You could also sell your fishing rods in the general store in Echtin which skips step 4 but you can sell for more in Lake Essdar so I suggest doing the little bit of fishing and cooking ;) from Shoaulin

if you continue doing this you will get more vessi, but if you didn't like this job then you can do other from this page

This is quite easy and maybe gets a bit more vessi!
Step 1: Buy a hammer, a pickaxe and a hatchet at the general store in echtin
Step 2: Go to Droesar and start mining till you get lvl 3. 110 tin should get you to level 3 mining. then get the 25 copper ore .
Step 3: Go to Rissdra and start chopping logs you need twice the number of logs as you have copper (50 logs if you mined 25 copper.)
Hint on step 3: you can saw half the logs in Galawi for construction experience
Step 4: Go to Ponat with All the ores, a hammer and the logs/lumber
Step 5: Start smithing all Ores into bronze bars! You will need as many logs/lumber as you have copper.
Hint: you can sell the bars for higher then the bronze hatchets! so you get extra vessi from selling the bars! but you get extra exp if you smith bronze hatchets
Step 6: From the bars and the logs you need to make bronze hatchets! (damienmarlock can give you magic help if you are at Ponat!)
Step 7: If you done it all correct then you can sell all the hatchets in the shop in Rissdra that appeared when you hit lvl 2 woodcutting

Alternate Track Selling the Bronze Bars
Step 6 Take the bars to Etchin and put them in the Auction House.
Step 7 Start an auction for the bars and set an opening bid of 15 vessi per bar.
Step 8 Wait for the Auction to end and receive you vessi.
posted by Beorn

if you done this and you like to get some more vessi and you liked this then you can do this again, if you didn't like this then you can always do something else on this page

This one is harder, but worth more then the rods!
Step 1: Do some combat on Barin Plains to get some feathers and ivory, be careful! these monsters aren't easy
Step 2: get lvl 16 crafting maybe from crafting those rods
Step 3: try to craft some woodcutting talismans
Step 4: Try to find a guild or player that buys them
!! Step 5: if you want to repeat this then you search for ivory and feathers, the ivory can be bought at the junk shop at port barin

Step 6: you can repeat this if you want but you can also get back to the rods because the success rate isn't very high

Easy, prices will increase!
Step 1: Buy Bronze Pickaxe from General Store in Echtin
Step 2: Mine copper and Tin till you hit level 8 mining and sell them at guilds
Step 3: Mine Stone Blocks and go round the guild shops finding who pays the most or try to find a buyer that will always buy you're ores
Step 4: if you become better at mining you could earn more vessi

If you got other ways to earn it please add it below

blue is hint
red and green are Steps

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