These are great songs, hope you like them =)
Skill | Level | Experience | Rank |
Character | 75 | 33,081,244 | 336 |
Combat | 83 | 48,722,851 | 299 |
Construction | 40 | 2,726,181 | 340 |
Cooking | 41 | 3,023,297 | 388 |
Crafting | 25 | 532,324 | 342 |
Fishing | 34 | 1,623,439 | 371 |
Harvesting | 29 | 830,048 | 787 |
Magic | 27 | 679,495 | 578 |
Mining | 36 | 1,894,923 | 454 |
Smithing | 36 | 1,902,169 | 250 |
Speed | 64 | 18,011,285 | 9 |
Trading | 41 | 3,136,224 | 5 |
Woodcutting | 30 | 915,767 | 714 |
Cards | 7 | 8,180 | 238 |
Monsters killed by Nestea
- 1 Amber Dragon
- 1 Baby Dragon
- 1 Bandit
- 4,266 Bear
- 59,378 Bronze Golem
- 84 Brown Toad
- 226 Bunny
- 459 Cave Dragon
- 21,361 Cave Goblin
- 2,900 Cavelurk
- 1 Chicken
- 4,295 Cougar
- 3,476 Deer
- 1 Dennech Cehuvah
- 299 Elephant
- 2 Elk
- 1,783 Fox
- 50 Frog
- 5 Ghost
- 3,576 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 3,535 Giant Bug Beetle
- 3,679 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 18 Giant Salamander
- 1 Gold Dragon
- 17 Gold Golem
- 5 Griffin
- 789 Grizzly Bear
- 694 Grue
- 45 Hawk
- 21,811 Hobgoblin
- 59,459 Iron Golem
- 73,168 Killer Vine
- 1 King Bear
- 197 Lion
- 72,051 Living Oak
- 53 Lizard Warrior
- 65 Lizardman
- 117,235 Marakite Mage
- 65,127 Marakite Master
- 118,869 Marakite Trainee
- 1 Mountain Goat
- 7 Nagaromi Miner
- 28 Nagaromi Scout
- 1 Nagaromi Spearman
- 10 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 58 Ona Spearman
- 492 Ona Warlord
- 67 Ona Warrior
- 18 Parrot
- 56 Pirate
- 5 Pirate Admiral
- 23 Pirate Captain
- 31 Pirate Grenadier
- 44 Pumpking Warrior
- 1 Quarter Master
- 1 Raging Tree
- 19,523 Rhizard
- 4,777 Rhizard Plunderer
- 10,869 Rhizard Prowler
- 89 Saphirik Warrior
- 1 Silver Dragon
- 70 Spectre
- 59,065 Steel Golem
- 11,619 Turtle
- 14,896 Wild Elven Gatherer
- 15,711 Wild Elven Hunter
- 1 Willow
- 81 Wolf
This is my cat, Nikki, who said cats hates water? :P
I had to give her up because it turned out that I was allergic after 2 1/2 years :(
My first hooded sweater =) – Never liked those, but I HAD to get one!
Some recent pics!
Have you guys tried this drink? It's really good!

The end!
5815 Entered the Tea Hut?
came by to say hello
Slomo has fought of 5815 intruders from your page for you.
Little Lady Passing Through To Wish You Happy Holidays (:

nice to have you around again make for great convo<3