Movoda Manual - slomo

Getting Started
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Words cant always say how we feel, but an expression can show you what we cant say.
Some people recognize what life has given them, and chose to reject it...
Not because they hated the gifts given... or because they wanted more...
They chose to reject life's gifts because...
They felt like they didnt deserve it...

9400 Have found their way into the page of Slomo


Member Since: 2008-08-18 14:44:33
Active playing time: 1787 Days, 2 Hours, 22 Minutes
Member Number: 0000007011
Character Experience: 72,723,944
Character Level: 92
Highest Skill: Smithing Level 122
Nationality: Odtoni
Guild: Slan Sabhailte
Guild Position: Smith

Slomo's Skills
  • Smithing Level 122 (226,881,345 Exp)
  • Construction Level 86 (56,483,898 Exp)
  • Mining Level 79 (40,597,810 Exp)
  • Woodcutting Level 51 (7,137,264 Exp)
  • Combat Level 49 (6,420,586 Exp)
  • Magic Level 49 (6,219,449 Exp)
  • Speed Level 49 (5,992,540 Exp)
  • Fishing Level 45 (4,599,035 Exp)
  • Cooking Level 43 (3,922,797 Exp)
  • Crafting Level 40 (2,902,497 Exp)
  • Trading Level 27 (698,083 Exp)
  • Harvesting Level 26 (539,586 Exp)
  • Cards Level 17 (129,603 Exp)

Monsters killed by Slomo
  • 8 Baby Flame Giant
  • 5 Baby Frost Giant
  • 3 Barktomi Fighter
  • 3 Barktomi Raider
  • 5,801 Bear
  • 949 Brown Toad
  • 23 Bunny
  • 11,161 Cave Goblin
  • 1,203 Cavelurk
  • 373 Chicken
  • 2,450 Cougar
  • 2,837 Deer
  • 1 Dennech Cehuvah
  • 7,116 Elephant
  • 801 Elk
  • 41 Fairy
  • 1,412 Fox
  • 489 Frog
  • 9 Ghost
  • 5,215 Giant Bomb Beetle
  • 5,302 Giant Bug Beetle
  • 5,325 Giant Ravager Beetle
  • 190 Giant Salamander
  • 426 Griffin
  • 597 Grizzly Bear
  • 367 Grue
  • 650 Hawk
  • 10,922 Hobgoblin
  • 1 King Bear
  • 4,675 Lion
  • 3,540 Lizard Warrior
  • 3,576 Lizardman
  • 269 Maanvaki Scout
  • 140 Maanvaki Shaman
  • 530 Maanvaki Warrior
  • 24,574 Marakite Mage
  • 14,457 Marakite Master
  • 1 Marakite Shaman
  • 25,354 Marakite Trainee
  • 902 Minotaur
  • 237 Mountain Goat
  • 144 Mountain Lion
  • 10 Nagaromi Infantry
  • 147 Nagaromi Miner
  • 563 Nagaromi Scout
  • 9 Nagaromi Spearman
  • 133 Nagaromi Woodcutter
  • 1 Ona Warlord
  • 251 Parrot
  • 635 Pirate
  • 7 Pirate Admiral
  • 133 Pirate Captain
  • 77 Pirate Grenadier
  • 1 Quarter Master
  • 6 Raccoon
  • 2 Raging Tree
  • 337 Rhizard
  • 87 Rhizard Plunderer
  • 178 Rhizard Prowler
  • 61 Saphirik Warrior
  • 1 Sjirkomi Cook
  • 2 Sjirkomi Shaman
  • 1 Sjirkomi Soldier
  • 89 Spectre
  • 99 Squirrel
  • 503 Turtle
  • 16 Vampire
  • 3 White Bat
  • 4,166 Wolf


roselle dropped by to say hi

manilishi stopped by to say hi so....."Hi"

Foo thinks your page is looking better by the minute.

Blue Angel dropped by to say hi! :)

The Tank was here, might be tiny, but still a tank..
tinytank32 says Hi

Scarecrow set up on your page for the night

Celsia visited you!

Pen gives you two paws up :P

They wonder why leaders are so grumpy – Tori

White_Dragon says, “Glad to have been a part of your guild.”

Nestea sends an invitation for Slomo to a Tea Party for May 23, 2009.

thank your all the

aace dropped his card and says hi.

wafel knows he won´t see you much anymore=(

S is for Something.
L is for Lots of things.
O is for Oh it's you.
M is for Medium.
O is for're still here.


*Struts through your page and waits*


Ravviiie stops by to give YOU A HUUUGE HUG... and leaves some glowys on your page. xx


Just dropped in to say hello 'Mo

Guinevere came to spread some love

Walker Bo thundered across your page on his valiant mount

Topaz Dragon runs towards you yelling 'Stay away from my logs!'

You've just been Caboose'd

Kornchip left some crumble on Slomos page!

ᗭµ©κξΓ₹ has waddled through to see you

Leaving you lots of hugs n kisses xox! ~ Babsy

Cajun tosses some crawfish on the table.