Movoda Manual - slomo/cooking

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Spells needed compared to my current level.

Level: 30

? Is unknown data.
Always Is success full always.
9–45 Is the amount of spells needed for 100% but out of reach.
1–8 Is the amount of spells needed for 100% within reach.

Item Name. Level Req. Item name. Level Req.
Amberjack Verde ? Apple Pie 8–10
Barracuda Stew ? Beetle Goulash 8–11
Berry Cordial Always Bottle of Beer Always
Bottle of Juice Always Bottle of Poison ?
Bottle of Rum Always Bottle of Soup Always
Bottle of Vodka Always Bottle of Wine Always
Bunch of Raisins Always Chili ?
Cooked Amberjack 22–44 Cooked Barracuda 14–25
Cooked Bass Always Cooked Flounder 12
Cooked haddock 11–12 Cooked Mackerel Always
Cooked Meat Always Cooked Salmon 2
Cooked Swordfish 36 Deviled Eggs ?
Dough Always Fine Whiskey Always
Fish kabob 14–18 Flatbread 12–13
Fruitcake ? Fried Steak 16–17
Fruit Salad Always Glazed Swordfish ?
Green Sauce ? Ground Meat Always
Hard Cider Always Herbal Tea Always
Lobster Gazpacho 5–15 Lobster Meat Always
Lobster Roll ? Magic Fishstick Always
Meatloaf Always Meat Pie ?
Mint Tea Always Molasses Cookie ?
Muffin ? Oyster Casserole 7–16
Oyster Meat Always Parsnip Mashed Potatoes ?
Peach Brandy Always Pike Always
Pizza 3–12 Plum Preserves 18–21
Potatoes Au Gratin 18 Quiche 13–21
Raisin Bread 18 Riewe Schales ?
Salsa Always Scalloped Oysters 13
Seafood Platter 8 Seafood Stir Fry 19
Shark Squibs 24 Shark Steak 22–24
Spaghetti Platter 7–12 Stew Always
Stuffed Pepper 8–11 Taco 10–12
Tomato Sauce Always Tortilla 12–13
Tuna Casserole 4–12 Tuna Salad 26–29
Tuna Steak 20