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Skill | Level | Experience | Rank |
Character | | | |
Speed | | | |
Mining | | | |
Combat | | | |
Magic | | | |
Trading | | | |
Woodcutting | | | |
Smithing | | | |
Construction | | | |
Cooking | | | |
Fishing | | | |
Crafting | | | |
Harvesting | | | |
Cards | | | |
| Ranked th in (Woodcutting)
Ranked th in (Construction)
Ranked th in (Harvesting)
Ranked th in (Crafting)
Ranked th in (Fishing)
Ranked th in (Speed)
Ranked th in (Mining)
Ranked th in (Combat)
Ranked th in (Trading)
Ranked th in (Cards)
Ranked th in (Cooking)
Ranked th in (Smithing)
Ranked th in (Magic) |
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EAGLERETINA dropped another gift off :)

roselle dropped by to say hi
Leonic walks by and graces your page with his presence
Tori Lou 87 dropped in and left some lovins

RaeRae Left her Mark on your page :D
Eagle Retina left you a nice gift :)
RedWyrm was here
Paine was here :o
Freya stopped by to give :hugs:

Just stopped by to say Hi.

The dark reaper hath visited you in the night
Stopped by to leave a drop of blood here for you
Hi from Londoe Black.
Bujeeka Bujung stopped by to blow a kiss.

Dropping in with hugs for you!
Welcome to the RIOT/from
Morbid RIOTT
357 stopped by with :hugs: for you

Littlelady stops by to leave some love
The Sword of Enialis, recognized all over the Movoda Realm

It appears to protect those whom Enialis will Protect until his own end
yo its Ocho

Need Kiwi