Movoda Manual - valpokat

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Valpokat's Page

I am a lvl 51 almost 52 Faldorian cook and between guild projects let me know if I can help you and your guild! Esp if your an ally ;)


Member Since: 2007-05-23 14:28:20
Active playing time: 190 Days, 11 Hours, 47 Minutes
Member Number: 0000001629
Character Experience: 3,379,984
Character Level: 42
Highest Skill: Cooking Level 53
Nationality: Faldorian

valpokat's Skills

A little about me:

I am a student at Ivy Tech Community College. I am studying nursing and will hopefully graduate in the next 1 year or so! I am originally from Fort Wayne, IN but am currently residing in my own apartment with my roomie! Who knows where i will be a year from now! I'm 22 years old and love going out or staying in having a great time with my friends

What I like:

love my fiance and planning our wedding for August 15, 2009, hanging with friends, my family, playing at the beach, shopping, clothes, shoes, purses, watching tv and movies, playing with my kitten Allie, cooking, and every once and a while i get crafty!

with my best friend, i think i was laughing at Cait doing something silly or the fact i was about to fall over

my very favorite picture of Cait and I, taken just hours after he proposed to me

i just really like this picture, had to take my heels off and everything to get up on that stupid rock...its about 5 feet tall

my two favorite people after our wine tasting and walk around the gardens

Go ahead and sign if you wish!

Rrreaper covered this page with shadows

GG was here nice page Valpokat :)

Because I am Da Wolfman

elliot came streaking by :P

the3rdhell was here but then vanished without a trace

*Makeveli enters page and hands Val a whip*

Hey Valpo... Lookin good :P *toon went streaking here*

*gets buzy scribbling* I signy signed the page! – Nirvy

Prome stopped by to say hello

Hey Val, love the page babe, you look gorgous mwa! <3 Glassy

Erviswas here, valpokat. You are beautiful, and awesome stats too

Hey mom love the page *kiss*. -Mari

Great looking page Kat! *nexziro*

ocimoci admire valpo "(^-^)"
Rebs just pooped on your lawn ROFL!!

Another great chef! Love the pics Valpo! :) X's Babsy

Wonders if cait would mind if Bedlam leaves his calling card..

u great person and im glad to greace your preasents..dondraco

Klisten Slapped her card here, great page val

Chickaroo Imprinted her green thumb on your page

Stopping by to say hello to the other Eeyore fan there is out there:)

SELECT TOP 1 @name = usrname 
  FROM users 
  ORDER BY friendliness DESC;
PRINT CAST(@name AS VARCHAR(8)) + ' says hi. -' + 

NebuneX says hi. – 2008–08–01

1 row(s) affected

Sky Dragon Implanted his calling card to show you that he truly rules the skies at Midnight

Blackheart: Invasion scheduled against Valpokat's Page on 2008–08–15 17:41:12

“Let evil swiftly befall those who have wrongly condemned us – God will avenge us.”
====Jacques De Molay====

Salacia who used to be Miz Brit, bites your page, huggles, and leaves.

!!(purple)4759 visitors