Movoda Manual - help

Getting Started
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Please if you need help write here under my writing any help will be accepted and be worked with!
I like the extra help, but in the locations on the bottom there are other activities
that can be done. Please show them.

New player's help

To start off i would advise either woodcutting or mining mining and woodcutting aren't only good for you its good for your guild as well, because with mining eventually you can mine stone at mining level 8. With woodcutting you can turn logs into lumber at the sawmill in Galawi.
For Fishing you need a fur coat + a rod or fishing, i have gone for woodcutting.

There are many skills you can train, Speed being one of the most important.
It will level your character quickly. You can ask for help with Speed training by asking guildies for “excites” (a magic spell) or use Jalapeno Peppers (which increase speed).

Training Trading builds your carrying capacity by 60 stones with each level, so it is a good idea to train this every chance you can.

Once you get to character level 10 you can leave the island your on!

To woodcut You have to buy a bronze hatchet from Echtin, general store. Once you've done that move to Droesar, then to Moskim this is moving to the right both times, after that move north to Lake Essdar, then after that your nearly there and just got to go north west and your at Rissdra the woodcutting place!

Island Locations

Other locations!


Here you can build house's, craft your crafting needs with the crafting hut.The guilds that lay here;@v@,Mystic and {D}.