Beromi, the second home of the Humans.
This nation was captured from the Nagaromi, Sjirkomi and Barktomi tribes by the Faldorian Kingdom. it is unknown as yet what will become of it, but for now it is ruled by the faldorian queen. this extent of faldor is mainly for the higher level players.
This is what is avaliable to the Citizens of Beromi
this nation consists of 17 locations at the moment.
Ferboi, Garando Mines, Haldos Outpost, Hevalus Jungle, Lake Trand, Martral, Mount Pharos, Radom Woods, Unopos Mesa, Yisildor Bay, Port Barin, Port Baron, Jiroka, Barin Plains, Baron Plains, Cardina and Cardina Valley.
and here is what you can do in these towns for now:
(Construction lvl 5)Build Boats
-Sail to Port Baron
Player Houses
Garando Mines
(Mining lvl 10) Stone Quarry
(Mining lvl 12) Iron Ore
(Mining lvl 20) Coal Mine
Haldos Outpost
(Character lvl 10) Learn Magic
(Magic lvl 20) Train Magic
(Combat lvl 0) Arena
Hevalus Jungle
(Woodcutting lvl 5) Chop Wood
Lake Trand
(Mining lvl 3) Sandstone
(Fishing lvl 5) Fish Bass
(Fishing lvl 10) Fish Flounder
(Construction lvl 0) Sawmill
(Harvesting lvl 0) Fountain
(Harvesting lvl 10) Flour mill
Player Houses
Mount Pharos
(Combat lvl ?) Hunt in the Mountain
-Mountain Goat
-Mountain Lion
-Baby Dragon
-Sjirkomi Berserker
-Sjirkomi Cook
-Sjirkomi Shaman
-Sjirkomi Soldier
Random Woods
(Woodcutting lvl 20) Chop Wood
Unopos Mesa
(Harvesting lvl 0) Green House
(Combat lvl 10) Go Hunting – - Faldorian only
-Lizard Warrior
(Cooking lvl ?)Kitchen
Yisildor Bay
(Fishing lvl 15) Haddock
(Fishing lvl 20) Tuna
(Fishing lvl 25) Sandbar Shark
Port Barin
Junk Shop
-Sail to Port Schow(49V)
-Sail to Port Baron(15V)
-Captain Fred's
Player Houses
Port Baron
Traders Shop
-Sail to Port Schow(49V)
-Sail to Port Barin(15V)
-Sail to Ferboi(25V)
(Combat lvl ?) Deep Woods
-Marakite Trainee
-Marakite Mage
-Marakite Master
(Crafting lvl 10)Glass Making
(Crafting lvl 11)Crafting Hut
Barin Plains
(Combat lvl ?)Hunt on the Plains
-Baby Frost Giant
-Baby Flame Giant
-Nagaromi Infantry
-Nagaromi Scout
-Nagaromi Spearman
-Nagaromi Miner
-Nagaromi Woodcutter
Baron Plains
(Cooking lvl 0)Cooking Fires
(Combat lvl ?) Hunting in Desert – - Faldorian only
-Giant Scorpion
-Giant Cobra
-Gila Monster
-Giant Tarantula
(Smithing lvl 0)Smith
(Smithing lvl 0)Smelt
Player Houses
Cardina Valley
(Mining lvl 10)Stone Quarry
(Mining lvl 25)Bauxite Ore
Information Collected by:
Rev and
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