A Player Created by the left overs of the Castle Split of Gwachitallemalla Castle, the south end going to Gwachi, and the rest going to Tallemalla. Now, with no true player playing this, I encourage you, the civilians of Movoda, to come up with some interesting ideas :D
Shimizu mourns the cast off bits of Gwachi.
discordia sets out in search of Gwachi's missing piece
Gwachi sets a sword infront of the altar of
Sunshine mourns in muted silence for the other half of her friend. :-(
AlamakTheCrazy wonders who had done such an evil deed of cutting names O.o
The North end of the castle slowly crumbles apart as no one is able to watch over it, a silent cry coming from its hallowed halls. Few people travel this castle anymore, few people explore it's ancient history, the ancient power few can feel thrumming underneath the ground.