Monsters killed by toonman1000- 5 Baby Flame Giant
- 20 Barktomi Fighter
- 14 Barktomi Raider
- 59 Bear
- 20,982 Cave Goblin
- 5,254 Cavelurk
- 79 Cougar
- 1 Dennech Cehuvah
- 12,039 Elephant
- 236 Giant Black Bat
- 12 Grizzly Bear
- 1,318 Grue
- 1,089 Hawk
- 21,078 Hobgoblin
- 7,493 Lion
- 23 Maanvaki Scout
- 32 Maanvaki Shaman
- 60 Maanvaki Warrior
- 1,390 Mountain Goat
- 1,434 Mountain Lion
- 13 Nagaromi Infantry
- 234 Nagaromi Miner
- 974 Nagaromi Scout
- 15 Nagaromi Spearman
- 238 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 391 Parrot
- 830 Pirate
- 86 Pirate Captain
- 1 Quarter Master
- 60 Saphirik Warrior
- 19 Sjirkomi Cook
- 21 Sjirkomi Shaman
- 16 Sjirkomi Soldier
- 267 White Bat
toonman1000 Member Since: 2006-12-02 12:52:14 Active playing time: 59 Days, 3 Hours, 45 Minutes Member Number: 0000000241 Character Experience: 1,794,404 Character Level: 35 Highest Skill: Combat Level 43 Nationality: Odtoni Guild: subpar Guild Position: Member
Character Level 35 with 1,794,404 exp
toonman1000's Skills- Combat Level 43 (3,662,258 Exp)
- Speed Level 19 (198,381 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 16 (97,165 Exp)
- Cooking Level 13 (50,889 Exp)
- Fishing Level 11 (36,902 Exp)
- Construction Level 10 (27,320 Exp)
- Mining Level 9 (17,936 Exp)
- Magic Level 8 (15,933 Exp)
- Smithing Level 6 (6,482 Exp)
- Trading Level 5 (3,972 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 5 (3,410 Exp)
- Cards Level 3 (1,009 Exp)
- Crafting Level 1 (195 Exp)
If its not on here... I havn't done it :P
Kk thats enough of me...
5144 Guests have been here:
Moosa 12 was here
===(brightgreen)Toonman's hero has signed –
!!(blue)Irishdog? Came and took a sniff
Raven came here to check it out
hopped in to leave her mark
Lexxy has fondled this page!!
Hey cutie, some girls like big ears you know ;) <3 Glassy
HAHAHAHAHA with those ears he could be called DUMBO HAHA MAQE HAS BEEN HERE
Oi, 8
hey be nice!
Slayer 4444 waz here!
As creepy as it sounds, you should give yourself a lil more credit about your looks. Arthelus? I wasn't here either.
Da Nana thinks you're a rather handsome lad & here's
some tunes for the toonman ...
Lastknight decided to pop in on ya!
tiki has dropped by :)
GG was here ;)
do not fear i am here ~ jordn :)
Dazzler – Nice page kiddo!
!!(blue)Revelation Raided your page
alwys do what is right and be a free man~ Makeveli
Ervis was here to leave you a small note:
neverland leave something for your great page :
you're all gonna be just like him
Love ya, toon!Babsy
You have been Tridented! -Pose
Mari came to huggle and cuddle Toony
Beddy was here
adnerb dropped in a line
ororo stopped by for a hug
dixierose came to give you *hugs and tickles*