........................ ... now Comes the STORM
............................ Make Mine MARVEL
ororo Member Since: 2007-08-17 11:25:00 Active playing time: 710 Days, 3 Hours, 48 Minutes Member Number: 0000002777 Character Experience: 41,362,582 Character Level: 79 Highest Skill: Combat Level 88 Nationality: Faldorian Guild: subpar Guild Position: Goat Herder

Ranked #276 in Character
Ranked #105 in Mining
Ranked #109 in Harvesting

| ororo's Skills- Combat Level 88 (62,571,598 Exp)
- Mining Level 59 (12,636,350 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 57 (11,380,418 Exp)
- Speed Level 46 (4,693,669 Exp)
- Magic Level 37 (2,082,505 Exp)
- Crafting Level 35 (1,639,505 Exp)
- Construction Level 34 (1,497,497 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 28 (754,620 Exp)
- Cooking Level 25 (482,098 Exp)
- Trading Level 25 (478,875 Exp)
- Fishing Level 22 (311,604 Exp)
- Smithing Level 22 (309,658 Exp)
- Cards Level 8 (12,181 Exp)
.......... ~*~ Proud member of Subpar ~*~
8192 people have mined information here
My first triple drop:
You hit the Giant Ravager Beetle and did 7 damage
The Giant Ravager Beetle swings at you and misses
You hit the Giant Ravager Beetle and did 8 damage
You hit the Giant Ravager Beetle and did 11 damage
You have killed the Giant Ravager Beetle and gained 45 combat experience
The Giant Ravager Beetle dropped 2 Beetle Carapace
The Giant Ravager Beetle dropped 1 Beetle Meat
The Giant Ravager Beetle dropped 1 Beetle Horn
Monsters killed by ororo
- 133 Arctic Fox
- 12,059 Armadillo
- 3 Baby Dragon
- 3 Baby Flame Giant
- 7 Baby Frost Giant
- 4 Bandit
- 113 Barktomi Fighter
- 116 Barktomi Raider
- 35 Bay Shark
- 6,360 Bear
- 87,725 Bronze Golem
- 6,275 Brown Toad
- 162 Bunny
- 703 Cave Dragon
- 30,078 Cave Goblin
- 6,693 Cavelurk
- 134 Charging Rhino
- 579 Chicken
- 6,668 Cougar
- 2,888 Deer
- 1 Dennech Cehuvah
- 89 Drop Bear
- 160 Dwarven Raider
- 2 Elder Ash
- 12,389 Elephant
- 153 Elk
- 55 Fairy
- 43 Firbolg Giant
- 5 Flame Giant
- 1,350 Fox
- 3,323 Frog
- 9 Ghost
- 13,631 Giant Black Bat
- 20,370 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 20,314 Giant Bug Beetle
- 12,241 Giant Cobra
- 20,433 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 9 Giant Roc
- 1,237 Giant Salamander
- 12,120 Giant Scorpion
- 3,706 Giant Tarantula
- 373 Giant Zombie
- 3,610 Gila Monster
- 399 Goblin Zombie
- 30 Gold Golem
- 56 Great White Shark
- 4,256 Griffin
- 1,187 Grizzly Bear
- 2,024 Grue
- 1,274 Hawk
- 22 Headless Horseman
- 30,779 Hobgoblin
- 88,302 Iron Golem
- 231 Killer Bunny
- 90 Killer Dolphin
- 1 Killer Tomato
- 102,150 Killer Vine
- 1 King Bear
- 8,076 Lion
- 101,592 Living Oak
- 36,315 Lizard Warrior
- 36,235 Lizardman
- 591 Lizardman Zombie
- 309 Maanvaki Scout
- 184 Maanvaki Shaman
- 614 Maanvaki Warrior
- 11,620 Marakite Mage
- 6,586 Marakite Master
- 8 Marakite Shaman
- 11,773 Marakite Trainee
- 327 Minotaur
- 2 Monk Weapons Master
- 9,722 Mountain Goat
- 9,412 Mountain Lion
- 20 Nagaromi Infantry
- 272 Nagaromi Miner
- 1,067 Nagaromi Scout
- 18 Nagaromi Spearman
- 256 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 59 Ona Spearman
- 72 Ona Warlord
- 126 Ona Warrior
- 1 One-eyed Jack
- 570 Parrot
- 1,515 Pirate
- 21 Pirate Admiral
- 336 Pirate Captain
- 510 Pirate Grenadier
- 1 Quarter Master
- 429 Raccoon
- 64 Raging Tree
- 10,357 Rhizard
- 2,537 Rhizard Plunderer
- 5,754 Rhizard Prowler
- 553 Royal Marine
- 70 Royal Marine Grenadier
- 290 Royal Marine Sergeant
- 69 Royal Navy Hunter
- 33 Royal Navy Patrol
- 1,581 Saphirik Warrior
- 115 Sjirkomi Cook
- 91 Sjirkomi Shaman
- 161 Sjirkomi Soldier
- 422 Spectre
- 690 Squirrel
- 87,131 Steel Golem
- 1 Thief
- 15,119 Turtle
- 809 Vampire
- 58 Werewolf
- 13,611 White Bat
- 21,815 Wild Elven Gatherer
- 22,390 Wild Elven Hunter
- 83 Willow
- 724 Wolf
Gehe Umarmung eine Baume!
This trophy is awarded to ororo for
her ability to kill chat with ease.
leaves a pressy for Ororo...
sub says the charts are lying cause youre #1
frida says that you are the sweetest person I've Ever Known...:)

I know that you love Frida's hugs.
Kodek thinks you're a character. :)
Prome stopped by to say hello
Mountain Goat – Evil Lil fluffy Demons

you have been hugged by Movoda's #1 Tree Hugger
Nnej signs ororo's page :)
adnerb dropped in a line
trosey has stopped in to show her favorite Oreo some love :) I love the page hun.
Reve hugs ororo
Showing some love, Loubeelou x
Transport visits ororo's lovely and warm home

jasper was here...digging up a grave
Rhona says hello and thinks of you often.
Serge says hi to his favorite Weather Witch(we all know that Halle Berry was wrong for the part).
Bloods left his mark and left some Halle Berry.
yosh came by to make sure no penguins were hurt in the making of this page..... you pass! :D
Heatwave passed your territory and left his mark
vilsonia shimmied by to say hi

Brogs stopped by to see his 2nd favorite lady :)
Lexxy caressed your page..

Click loves her some oreo :D
Naito has raided your page and taken 98 Jalapeno Peppers to run away faster

Kovo has presented ororo with MORE COWBELL!
You've been Fingered !
fluffyk watches all whilest they sleep, in the dark of the night.
I am the White_Dragon, I am glad to have visited you here. I hope you will visit me soon too. Every storm cloud has a silver lining. WOOT
Ninja finally stopped by to save hi :hugs:
was here
Jenn dropped by with her kitties to say hi
DivineofRexaura Gives oreo a :hug: and a turtle shell
Bratzer brings a Grue to Ororo's page and says Hi!
Kriztal planted herself here :love:
Pathos stops by and takes a bite of the oreo, mmmm, SO good! xD