Movoda Manual - Frida

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Elenwe[7Sins]: I like frida's name cuz it is almost Friday :love:
16:01:18 *Babsy randomly :kick: Frida <3 XD
05:28:30 Jove S[Co M]: frida taught us all the :kick: :-D
«Smile don’t frown.
Look up don’t look down.
Believe in yourself Don’t let yourself go.
Just be who you are And let your live flow.»


Member Since: 2007-06-20 05:56:00
Active playing time: 881 Days, 17 Hours, 37 Minutes
Member Number: 0000002086
Character Experience: 125,626,156
Character Level: 105
Highest Skill: Combat Level 129
Nationality: Odtoni
Guild: FRIDA
Guild Position: Leader
frida's Skills
  • Combat Level 129 (280,608,064 Exp)
  • Smithing Level 70 (25,671,174 Exp)
  • Speed Level 45 (4,318,651 Exp)
  • Mining Level 40 (2,922,388 Exp)
  • Harvesting Level 39 (2,620,154 Exp)
  • Magic Level 38 (2,304,918 Exp)
  • Cooking Level 29 (845,300 Exp)
  • Woodcutting Level 22 (337,114 Exp)
  • Construction Level 21 (251,422 Exp)
  • Trading Level 20 (228,315 Exp)
  • Fishing Level 17 (141,881 Exp)
  • Crafting Level 14 (65,502 Exp)
  • Cards Level 5 (4,379 Exp)

Character Level 105 with 125,626,156 exp

Ranked #60 in Character
Ranked #44 in Smithing
Ranked #139 in Magic
Ranked #27 in Combat
Ranked #451 in Cards
Ranked #337 in Mining
Ranked #405 in Harvesting
Ranked #239 in Trading
Ranked #333 in Speed
Ranked #1,348 in Woodcutting
Ranked #1,425 in Construction
Ranked #693 in Cooking
Ranked #1,349 in Fishing
Ranked #929 in Crafting

You hit the Marakite Master with a resounding blow and did 84 damage

Monsters killed by frida
  • 1 Amber Dragon
  • 7 Baby Flame Giant
  • 2 Baby Frost Giant
  • 4 Bandit
  • 19 Barktomi Fighter
  • 18 Barktomi Raider
  • 1,111 Bear
  • 933,905 Bronze Golem
  • 193 Brown Toad
  • 491 Bunny
  • 7,340 Cave Dragon
  • 55,535 Cave Goblin
  • 13,452 Cavelurk
  • 1 Charging Rhino
  • 27 Chicken
  • 1,115 Cougar
  • 1,010 Deer
  • 1 Dennech Cehuvah
  • 5 Elder Ash
  • 12,987 Elephant
  • 2 Elk
  • 641 Faerie Knight
  • 1,005 Firbolg Giant
  • 453 Fox
  • 165 Frog
  • 307 Giant Black Bat
  • 3,560 Giant Bomb Beetle
  • 3,494 Giant Bug Beetle
  • 3,524 Giant Ravager Beetle
  • 1 Giant Roc
  • 32 Giant Salamander
  • 73 Giant Scorpion
  • 325 Gold Golem
  • 96 Griffin
  • 203 Grizzly Bear
  • 3,507 Grue
  • 1,146 Hawk
  • 8 Headless Horseman
  • 56,324 Hobgoblin
  • 937,204 Iron Golem
  • 1,449 Jade Golem
  • 268 Killer Bunny
  • 59,481 Killer Vine
  • 1 King Bear
  • 2 Lightning Elemental
  • 8,263 Lion
  • 58,924 Living Oak
  • 267 Lizard Warrior
  • 50 Lizardman
  • 49 Maanvaki Scout
  • 23 Maanvaki Shaman
  • 103 Maanvaki Warrior
  • 28,939 Marakite Mage
  • 16,409 Marakite Master
  • 29,930 Marakite Trainee
  • 158 Minotaur
  • 1,564 Mountain Goat
  • 1,700 Mountain Lion
  • 22 Nagaromi Infantry
  • 229 Nagaromi Miner
  • 1,074 Nagaromi Scout
  • 13 Nagaromi Spearman
  • 244 Nagaromi Woodcutter
  • 340 Ona Spearman
  • 568 Ona Warlord
  • 618 Ona Warrior
  • 392 Parrot
  • 1,354 Pirate
  • 39 Pirate Admiral
  • 371 Pirate Captain
  • 609 Pirate Grenadier
  • 37 Pumpking Warrior
  • 1 Quarter Master
  • 15 Raccoon
  • 1 Raging Tree
  • 403 Rhizard
  • 405 Rhizard Plunderer
  • 398 Rhizard Prowler
  • 35 Royal Marine
  • 232 Saphirik Warrior
  • 26 Sjirkomi Cook
  • 19 Sjirkomi Shaman
  • 17 Sjirkomi Soldier
  • 18 Spectre
  • 7 Squirrel
  • 935,037 Steel Golem
  • 1 Thief
  • 123 Turtle
  • 302 Vampire
  • 13 Werewolf
  • 297 White Bat
  • 12,432 Wild Elven Gatherer
  • 12,953 Wild Elven Hunter
  • 60 Willow
  • 26 Wolf
  • 8 Yeti


11Execution [MAD]123233,626,576
12Shadow [RAG]123232,880,473
13fiodor [X]121220,024,231
14bad dog [God]121219,216,467
15Testament [Evil]121217,654,083


RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
6Tha_Junky [CoM]143424,268,112
7falconn [Crimson]143423,428,250
8Judas Goat [Ronin]141398,677,512
9Shadow [RAG]138366,508,924 (+22,440)
10Execution [MAD]137355,604,313 (+104,445)


RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
52Jemi [ ]444,075,912
53Lildor [N.E.T.]444,067,394 (+1,215)
54falconn [Crimson]444,033,178 (+480)
55Capt Fred [^V^]443,958,267 (+48)


RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
21Jemi [ ]8757,907,325
22spacecookie [ΩMNI]8655,695,624
23Forseti [^V^]8554,669,409
24funkenstein [Crops4$]8451,742,675
25Assilim [*NI*]8349,611,866

leaves a pressy for 

sub says w00t frida

Raven misses you

you have been hugged by Movoda's #1 Tree Hugger

Janina Lynn Gives LOVE to the Frida :D :D

afc came here and gave you *hugs*

Roen came in and wove hello, then followed with a hug.

Nnej fluttered through this page

adnerb dropped in a line


ororo stopped by to give frida hugs
and Oreos! See you in the mines.


You have been visited by Xanthar

Bratzer waves at Frida

Bloodwraith stalks like a specter in the night

*Makeveli visited her big strong man*

Kivrin stopped by to *hug* you

Artie dropped in to say hi and give ya big hugs

yosh came by to make sure no penguins were hurt in the making of this page..... you pass! :D

marill105 bubblebeamed ur page

You've been fingered

Osprey stopped by

Krazy_Amy has kissed your page xoxo.


Thorin? dropped in and Thorin?ated you>:)

**jinxy was here to give frida lots o'
and  .................

came to hug and kiss Frida

Just here to give a big hug !

dreamer349!! Stopped by to say hello

I stop to say Hello your page is pretty cool

A great person frida is. Kind and modesty, is a special trait. Of course, a special person she is. Good luck and shout when you need me. The Stranger

Garith stopped in

kriztal planted herself here:P

Clickx 2? waves franticly! HI FRIDA!!

Red dropped in for hugs

====Quintus – “Abyssus abyssum invocat” (Hell invokes Hell)====

You have been tagged by Da_nana the Leader of the Royal Family of the JACK Guild
As you ramble on through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut… and not upon the hole.
Never settle for being average... you would be just as close to the bottom as you are to the top.

Cajun Says Hi

Odin gave you the look

Prometheus stopped by to say hello

10331 visitors.