If you want to edit pages, you need to have 24 hours or more of playing time.
To check what your play time is, type this on your page, altering the Username, and preview it.
For basic Wiki formatting, see
Wacko Formatting. There are also special Movoda features.
Check out these tags you can use in the Wiki. Use them with { { tag name } }. (Without spaces)
- hits
- Tells you how many people have visited the page.
- userinfo
- name="username"
- type=1–8
- type=1 – Represents: Original info about player with his avatar, skill=X not needed
- type=2 – Represents: Original info about player skills, skill=X not needed
- type=3 – Represents: Original info about given player rank in certain skill, where skill=X stands for a particular skill
- type=4 – Represents: Original info about player without his avatar,, skill=X not needed
- type=5 – Represents: Original value of a player rank in certain skill [aka just plain number, where skill=X stands for a particular skill
- type=6 – Represents: Original value of a player experience in certain skill, where skill=X stands for a particular skill
- type=7 – Represents: Original value of a player skill level in certain skill, where skill=X stands for a particular skill
- type=8 – Represents: Original info about monsters killed by player, skill=X not needed
- skill=1–12
- highscores
- skill=1–12
- 1 = Speed
- 2 = Mining
- 3 = Combat
- 4 = Magic
- 5 = Trading
- 6 = Woodcutting
- 7 = Smithing
- 8 = Construction
- 9 = Cooking
- 10 = Fishing
- 11 = Crafting
- 12 = Harvesting
- 13 = Cards
- type="clanexp"
- Clan rankings by experience.
- type="clanmembers"
- Clan rankings by number of members.
- type="clancombat"
- Clan listing by clan combat rank
- nation=1–4
- 1 = Faldor
- 2 = Neutral
- 3 = Odtoni
- 4 = Erfdar
- min=x
- max=x
- history=true
- Sorts exp gain since yesterday
- list
- type="items"
- type="locations"
- type="monsters"
- type="skills"
- chatemotes
- id=donation amount to unlock
- Shows chat emoticons.
- Embed Video
- { {embed type="name_of_website" id="Video_ID"} }
- Example: { { embed type="youtube" id="iLdkz6HYBGg" } } (without spaces)
To make something colorful type:
Color Codes:
black <— Black. Highlight to see!
Item Lists:
Simple lists of items are made by adding " *" to the beginning of each line, that's two spaces and an asterisk. E.g.,
Items can be nested by increasing the number of spaces to 2, 4, 6 etc. E.g.,
Text can be centered on a line or in a table cell by surrounding it with double angle brackets. E.g., >>x<< produces:
Data sources:
You can also add graphs using the URL http://movoda.net/api/historygraph.png which takes the following arguments:
- player: is the player id to use to get the data. Can also be a comma separated list to graph multiple people against each other.
- skill: is the skill id to use (1–13) using the ids listed above. Can also be total to show total exp gain in all skills, cl to show character exp gained, or guild to use the player id(s) as guild id(s) and show guild exp gained
So to show a graph of some top guilds you could use the URL http://movoda.net/api/historygraph.png?player=20,285,29,36,137,96,679, 59&skill=guild&out=.png which displays as:
- The list of the skins available for displaying skills gained on a graph.
http://movoda.net/man/srhighscores for an example of the skins I used on this guild's web page.
the skin codes are the BG part of the following line.
&bg=11 – means and background is #11
0 = normal
1 = Mining
2 = Wood
3 = Harvest
4 = cooking
5 = smithing
6 = Fish
7 = Magic
8 = Crafting
9 = Speed
10 = Scrunched shield
11 = combat
12 = yellow bar
13 = shadows
14 = dragon
Below is a skin showing the first 10 players in the game using a dragon background.
To see visuals of all the skins go here
Information courtesy of
First revision by
Elwaryn at 05.12.2006 22:22.
Second revision with colors added by
Tiq on
2007–08–30 at 19:00:42
Third revision with Skin info was added by
Beorn on 13 Dec 08.
Updated by
Updated again by
This page has been accessed 22379 times!