Movoda Manual - askmydog

Getting Started
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Free zone Below (I will nuke this area roughly 1 – 2 weeks)

Doggy is one of my favorite people to talk to and she is also my neighbor! – Dragonsoul

Serpent was here and left her mark, love you girl

Tagged by spendy :)!!

a Lemony breeze cools this page to the max

Free zone end here

~~~~~~~~~~vMy Zonev~~~~~~~~~~~
Well i suppose its time for me to start editing this page... Quick note,

if at all possible can we keep other peoples stuff above or below the 

line? This space belongs to me!
Thanks in advance

I have had 3083 hits

Well to start lets get to know me a bit.

I am a 17 year old female who lives in the great

state of Wisconsin, for those of you who don't know where that is, its 

right below lake superior above Illinois left of Michigan. I live in the

middle of nothing. I am not kidding when I say i really don't have

anything to do lol. I am a Junior in a great school and I excel in 

creative writing and I Hate History

I suppose ill tell you all what i look like since i don't got a camera to 
put some pics on.

Height: Roughly 5ft
Weight: Roughly 100
Body type: Average
Eye color: green
Hair color: Dirty blond

Birthday is July Seventh
Most lucky day ever was 7/7/7
MY BIRTHDAY, I = lucky
Lots of love to these people:
Waffle_sauce: My clan leader {*(Truth)*}
Saratoga: For being awesome
Lilmissy: for being funny
Gwach: for having a strange name
Shut Yo Trap: for... errr his love of spam, and for his generosity?
Re Be L: for being awesome
Veridis: for being fan-fricken-tastic
Dragonsoul: for our long convo's about anything, for being funny, and for being my neighbor ;)
Talk to me if I forgot you!

My random stuff page, here ill post random stuff i make or, infact anything enjoy:



Member Since: 2007-11-07 21:36:22
Active playing time: 35 Days, 3 Hours, 40 Minutes
Member Number: 0000003662
Character Experience: 377,956
Character Level: 23
Highest Skill: Woodcutting Level 21
Nationality: Faldorian

ask_my_dog's Skills

Question Zone: If you have any questions for me please leave them here

Please do not read if you are easily offended
(please feel free to add jokes) (nothing TOO profane please)

~~~~~~~~~~^My Zone^~~~~~~~~~~~

Free zone Starts again here

Suffer comes by and
his master

Also leaves his panther to protect her wherever she'll be

Klisten liked your page so she slapped her card on it

Jade Alyssum has taged your page and she hopes you tag her page

You have been visited by Xanthar

Free zone end here (I will nuke this area roughly 1 – 2 weeks)

Sweet Moonsugah glomps and runs!

Osprey stopped by

Your about to get fished!

its happend...
Omg and purpled from the same guy at the some time :o

hey sara
Da Cra Z Ys AM as said hi