Movoda Manual - pleknor/cg

Getting Started
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Saved so as not to lose it

So you want to kill stuff?

Whether you want to be a master slayer or just do it for some diversity and fun. You're definitely at the right place to know all there is to know about this skill.
However, this guide will only cover pvm (player vs monster) and not pvp (player vs player) stuff. Though the difference is quite small.
PVP and more importantly guild wars.. are a farce.. it's all about how much enhancing food you eat.. combat level has almost no meaning there. So if you're interested in guild wars and raiding. Become a cook/fisher instead.

General Combat Knowledge

For starters I suggest you take a look at a page I made: Combat Stats. IMO very valuable information if you want to know about the different aspects of combat.

A list of all equipment relevant to combat: Combat Equipment

If you die, you will lose everything (except vessi) on you that is not equipped. Meaning you will only be left with just 1 of each of the things you were wearing at the time of your death. You'll wake up at the starting position of your nation. Echtin for Faldor (and Neutral), Ravel for Odtoni and Bulbas for Erfdar.
Your stuff gets dropped on the floor in the town you were at. Free for anyone to pick up.
Some people are nice enough to return stuff. But remember they are not required to. If you die, it's your own fault. When you do combat you're supposed to be watching the screen at all times. If you're cocky enough (like me) to fight afk where monsters can still hit you and you end up dead, ask if someone is willing to return your stuff but don't go cry about it to all and everyone since it is your OWN FAULT.
So, to minimize your possible loss. Don't have anything else on you but your food, combat gear and travel gear. Store the rest in a house or compound. Assume that anything you see on yourself at the time you start fighting something that it might as well be the very last time you see it.

Optimal combat speed: 49 (unless the monster itself has a higher speed value)
Optimal defense: 10 higher than the highest attack value of the mobs you will be fighting. Check their pages to find out. This will result in them not hitting you for more than 2 damage at a time.
Optimal equipment: Unless you have a sugar daddy or a well established guild.. you will find some of the items listed here are rather hard to come by.. try to see for yourself how to compensate for not having them. You will probably not be able to reach the optimal defense, thus having to monitor your lvling up more closely.
Phases of Combat: There are 3 main stages to combat. Lets call them Encounter, Combat, and Reward.
Encounter last for 7 seconds, this is when you first see what creature you are going to be fighting.
Combat is where you and the creature trade blows back and forth. The quickest your timer can be between your swings is 2 secs. This lasts as long as it takes for you to kill the creature or be killed.
Reward lasts for 5 seconds and is the time between killing the creature and starting the Encounter with your next creature.

Try to avoid armor that gives both +attack and +defense modifiers. They will break more easily than just those that have a +defense modifier. Not because it'd be expensive but just because it's a royal pain in the behind.. and often not needed though sometimes inevitable.

A Prelude To Combat

Ok, so you want to kill some stuff now?
You're still going to have to wait for a wee while longer.. :P

Let us prepare for combat first.
Character and Speed level both influence combat quite a bit. You might've noticed on the combat stats page. Originally, best way to increase your character level is by training speed. Assuming you already have at least lvl 10 character so you're able to leave the island. Thus being able to do Hevalus Jungle to Jiroka and back runs at 15 seconds a go.
While doing this your speed level will go up. Enabling you to hit quicker in combat which in turn lets you kill the mobs faster and get you hit less.
Your character level will go up as well. Each 2 char lvls you will gain 1 agility and 1 HP each lvl.
So before you attempt combat. I'd advise you to get a head start on it and gain some HP, agility and speed.

Accessory equipment.
This will need certain preparation as well. You can do without, but sometimes you really need that however small boost.
Currently there's as you can see on the Combat Equipment page: Piano (+2 def), Tuba (+1 def) and Banjo (+1 att)
I prefer to switch between tuba and banjo depending on the situation since piano is freaking heavy.

And So It Begins

Lets get equipped and look fearful >:)
My own preference on stats is: Agility > Speed > Attack > Defense
Unless it causes my defense to be below optimal.
Then it's: Defense > Agility > Attack > Speed
Unless that causes me to kill too slow.. (eg. take too many hits to kill a mob)
So: Defense > Attack > Speed > Agility
But then again if this happens you probably shouldn't be fighting there yet.

This guide assumes you have optimal combat speed. Or at least some excites/penos active. If not, it's pointless since you're just wasting time and excites are easy to come by. Beg if needed be :P
If you fight without excites/penos.. and have crappy speed.. add about 5 cl to each recommended combat place and dress accordingly..

Also, I'd advise you to bring at least 2 pieces of armor with ya in case one breaks. This will save you a trip, but more importantly save your butt if one breaks and your def drops below optimal defense. So you'd be taking more unexpected damage while you might not exactly be paying too much attention.
As for weapons/tools, bring about 4 of each. Maybe a few more tools. Since all these break more often than armor does.

Remember to bring HP food to combat. A list of all food and their effects can be found here: Food.
I generally go with 5–6 HP healers. 3 HP or so healers would be best if you're just starting out.

Lvl 0 Combat – Moskim

Monster: Fox
HP: 5
Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Speed: 20
Agility: 7
Exp: 4

Monster: Wolf
HP: 9
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Speed: 13
Agility: 10
Exp: 7

Monster: Deer
HP: 7
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 15
Agility: 5
Exp: 4

Optimal defense: 14 or higher.
Optimal equipment: Bronze Shield, Bronze Battle Axe, Bronze Helmet, Costume Mask, Bronze Chainmail, Bronze Gauntlets, Bronze Leg Guards, Bronze Sabatons, Ring of Life, Tuba, Nagaromi Pickaxe.

As you lvl up. Take into account the extra stats it gives you and try to increase your attack and agility while keeping optimal defense by changing equip. Finish the quest before or right after you reach cl 3 so you have the young warriors sword available.

Lvl 5 Combat – Galawi

Monster: Cougar
HP: 9
Attack: 8
Defense: 6
Speed: 15
Agility: 14
Exp: 9

Monster: Ghost
HP: 10
Attack: 10
Defense: 10
Speed: 10
Agility: 15
Exp: 20

Monster: Bear
HP: 15
Attack: 8
Defense: 8
Speed: 7
Agility: 10
Exp: 18

Monster: Grizzly Bear
HP: 20
Attack: 9
Defense: 9
Speed: 7
Agility: 12
Exp: 22

Optimal defense: 19 or higher.
Optimal equipment: Young Warriors Sword, Bronze Dagger, Bronze Helmet, Costume Mask, Bronze Chainmail, Barktomi Gauntlets, Barktomi Shinguards, Sjirkomi Boots, Bearclaw Necklace, Ring of Life, Tuba, Nagaromi Pickaxe.
(Technically Sjirkomi Mask is better, but a waste risking it to break as it is brittle and nearly irreplaceable. If you have one, keep it for defending guild.)

As I said before. I assume you are close to optimal combat speed. Since you'll do shitty damage here and need the fast hits to make up for that. We are concentrating on fast xp here. By all means you can stay at moskim to “safely” fight or for the drops. As you level up check your stats and adjust your equipment appropriatly. Optimal defense should be 20 here.. for Ghost.. but his appearance is extremely rare.

Lvl 10 Combat – Galawi

Optimal equipment: Iron Dagger, Iron Mace, Iron Helmet, Costume Mask, Iron Chainmail, Barktomi Gloves, Barktomi Shinguards, Sjirkomi Boots, Bearclaw Necklace, Ring of Flexibility, Banjo, Any +1 Attack tool.
(Technically Nagaromi Hatchet is better, but a waste risking it to break as it is brittle and nearly irreplaceable. If you have one, keep it for defending guild.)

Just bear with fighting here for now. You could go to Barin Plains with a few equipment adjustments.. but I'd say it takes too much time to kill the very often appearing elephant.

Lvl 15 Combat – Bulbas

Monster: Giant Bug Beetle
HP: 20
Attack: 19
Defense: 20
Speed: 13
Agility: 19
Exp: 25

Monster: Giant Bomb Beetle
HP: 20
Attack: 24
Defense: 22
Speed: 13
Agility: 22
Exp: 35

Monster: Giant Ravager Beetle
HP: 25
Attack: 28
Defense: 25
Speed: 15
Agility: 25
Exp: 45

Optimal defense: 38
Optimal equipment: Maanvaki Trident, Maanvaki Spear, Iron Helmet, Costume Mask, Iron Platemail, Iron Gauntlets, Barktomi Shinguards, Sjirkomi Boots, Warriors Necklace, Ring of Life, Tuba, Nagaromi Pickaxe

You'll have to change your nationality to erfdarian for this one. It's worth it though. You'll spend your time killing stuff here untill at least cl 25. It's great XP here.

Lvl 20 Combat – Bulbas

Optimal equipment: Elite Katana, Butterfly Knife, Steel Helm, Costume Mask, Iron Chainmail, Barktomi Gloves, Steel Leg Guards, Steel Toed Boots, Warriors Necklace, Ring of Flexibility, Banjo, Any +1 Attack tool.
(Technically Dragonhide Gloves and Dragonhide Boots are better, but a waste risking them to break as they are invaluable and nearly irreplaceable. If you have some keep them for defending guild.)

You'll start killing here a lot faster now. Which means better and faster xp. Enjoy ^^

Lvl 25 Combat – Onnix

Deep Cave

Monster: Cavelurk
HP: 25
Attack: 20
Defense: 18
Speed: 15
Agility: 40
Exp: 30

Monster: Hobgoblin
HP: 22
Attack: 45
Defense: 40
Speed: 21
Agility: 45
Exp: 55

Monster: Grue
HP: 35
Attack: 22
Defense: 18
Speed: 15
Agility: 40
Exp: 35

Monster: Cave Goblin
HP: 20
Attack: 39
Defense: 37
Speed: 20
Agility: 40
Exp: 50

Optimal defense: 55
Optimal equipment:

Onnix is a fighter's wet dream. Forget the places you fought before. You'll get sweet XP here. Jalapeno drops to keep your speed up. Gold Coins to help your trading. Bronze/Iron crap to make some nice vessi at your local npc shop.

This is as far as this guide will go. It's a guide.. not a walkthrough. You should know how combat works by now. It's time for you to develop your own style and ideas.
Feel free to message me ingame with any questions you may have and I'll see what I can do.

Advanced Combat

Crystal Ball

How to use a crystal ball effectively in combat?
If you use a crystal ball.. your attack will go down a lot and so will your XP gains. So the question rather is.. When will using a crystal ball give you enough MP regens as compensation for the loss of combat XP?
Well.. I've found that if you have 30–35 more agi than the highest agi monster in the place you're fighting.. You will rarely get hit and almost get perfect MP regen.
I prefer +35 as you tend to still get hit too many times below that.. to my liking.
I believe this to be the “sweet spot” for ballfighting. :P


If you feel like commenting in any way.. feel free to do it below:

Awsome Pure Combat Guide

Roen – At 20 combat you recommend bulbas, but it requires a nationality change. Do you have any recommended locations for some1 of 20 combat but who is faldorian? I mean without having to switch their nationality though.
Aikon – Barin Plains. Eventhough it sucks.

This guide is based on my own preferences and ideas.
I will not tolerate any changes without my consent.
A guide with nice basics needed throughout. (not a walkthrough)
Created on 16/01/'08

1266 people have been padawanised so far.