Movoda Manual - Jebus

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Hello my name is Jebus...i live on the 2nd floor

Proud Member Of....

Guest Book

1) Yay first one to write in ur guestbook :D – Devil Queen of Mining
2) Rev Has Glanced At Your Page And Likes It.
3) Great pic you have here .... gunsmoke was here
4) Pibird was here
5) Ervis was here :D Great page :-)
6) Tiggger was here*huggles*
7) nice page (: also, you lie, cheat & steal, and lie some more, and i still have lucky pockets!! :3 -punkiee
8) subforshort hath visited
9) Togz Was here!!
10) tiki makes ten
11)Krunk scribbled something to The Jebus here!
12)Tarl strolled by and thought he saw The Dumbo from the corner of his eye :o
13)Greeneyed_girl was here
14)Hey Jebus, *kiss*. -Mari
15)Hehehe! Boo signs Jebus' guest book
16)ocimoci is number 16 "(^-^)" yaaay
17)Moosa 12 was here and is number 17 to sign
18)Nice page and nice pic Jebus :D
19) Red Scorpion has stung your page :D
20)Phil has siggyed your page Jebby >:)
21)Klisten left her mark here
22)*secret* came looking for her dinner::)
23)Rep tagged your page =)
25) TW was here, nice page you got here :D
26) Hello from the Shadows-Nerissa
27)Super Cookie was here to put a hurtin on Jebus
28)Nnej signed 28th.. :P
29)Xanthar Greetings.
30)Madre? dropped by to say hello!!
31)jinxter123 popped in to say hello!
32)You've been impi'd
33)Makeveli decided to pass by
34)Kriztal cursed your page >:)
35)Greenkind waves at youuuu XD
36)RAVE stopped by to say hi Thanks for having me, your a legend!

People who Put Pictures here

Tiggger Bounced on you page

Thorin? dropped in and Thorin?ated you>:)

DamienMarlock Led a mighty charge through your page

Rave stopped by...

master-paras came along to say Hi

Total Number of Guests 41

I can't believe I didn't sign your page yet :( Much hugs n kisses Jeb ~ Babsy


I got my Table from a Um member (not sure who)
Thank you to those people
Tiggger for Donating for me :) :) :)

11068 out of 6,602,224,175 Souls have been given to me