Movoda Manual - MADsshops

Getting Started
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MAD selling

MAD is located at Martral and is one of the only guilds in game that can sell all the items that are in game.
We have Tiggger as our smith, she is one of the top 5 smiths in the game and is always willing to help out.
So when you need an item that's not sold in shop momentarily, msg Tiggger, Jinx or KoE to work something out.
Furthermore, if you have the materials, but you do not have a member/friend with the skills to make a specific item(s),
you can contact us as well.
Depending on the item(s) and your requested success rate, we can work out food and Vs.


Selling to:

Acorn: 5V
Adamantite 2-Handed Sword: 50V
Adamantite Bar: 10V
Adamantite Longsword: 50V
Advanced Spellbook: 10V
Aliki Bar: 10V
Aluminum Abstract Art: 10V
Aluminum Bar: 10V
Aluminum Card: 5V
Amber: 100V
Amber Bead: 10V
Amber Glasses: 100V
Animal Skin: 4V
Apple Card: 500V
Apple Pie: 1V
Bat Hide: 70V
Bauxite: 6V
Beak: 5V
Blue Berry: 10V
Bone: 2V
Bottle of Juice: 15V
Bottle of Soup: 50V
Bottle of Wine: 20V
Bronze Bar: 7V
Bronze Battle Hammer: 25V
Bronze Chainmail: 25V
Bronze Sabatons: 13V
Bronze Short Sword: 13V
Bunch of Cilantro: 8V
Bunch of Lavender: 50V
Bunch of Parsley: 8V
Bunch of Spinach: 8V
Bundle of Wheat: 8V
Ceremonial Dagger: 35V
Coal: 6V
Copper Ore: 3V
Dough: 15V
Dragon Hide: 20V
Egg: 50V
Feather: 12V
Fishing Rod: 10V
Fox Tail: 3V
Fruit Salad: 50V
Gold Bar: 12,500V
Gold Coin: 5V
Gold Ore: 5,000V
Green Pepper: 8V
Herbal Tea: 25V
Iron 2-Handed Sword: 35V
Iron Bar: 15V
Iron Dagger: 18V
Iron Ore: 5V
Iron Pickaxe: 18V
Iron Short Sword: 28V
Iron Small Shield: 30V
Jalapeno Pepper: 10V
Lobster Card: 3,000V
Magic Fish: 750V
Magic Fishstick: 200V
Meatloaf: 10V
Mint Leaf: 10V
Mint Tea: 25V
Molasses: 10V
Muffin: 5V
Mushroom: 8V
Mythral Bar: 5V
Nagaromi Belt Buckle: 3V
Nagaromi Hatchet: 200V
Opal: 300V
Parsnip: 8V
Peach: 8V
Pear: 8V
Pike: 5V
Pike Card: 3,000V
Pizza: 15V
Plum: 5V
Polathurn Bar: 15V
Red Berry: 10V
Rhizard Stew: 100V
Salsa: 10V
Silver Ore: 1,000V
Spellbook: 13V
Steel Bar: 10V
Stone Block: 6V
Taco: 25V
Tin Ore: 3V
Titanium Bar: 15V
Tomato: 8V
Tuna Casserole: 15V
Tuna Salad: 20V

Buying from:

Aluminum Fishing Rod: 50V
Aluminum Plate: 95V
Aluminum Quarterstaff: 75V
Aluminum Scutum: 85V
Bamboo Fishing Rod: 60V
Bronze Battle Hammer: 30V
Bronze Battleaxe: 20V
Bronze Chainmail: 35V
Bronze Hatchet: 15V
Bronze Helmet: 20V
Bronze Pike: 15V
Bronze Platemail: 40V
Bronze Sabatons: 20V
Bronze Shield: 25V
Bronze Short Sword: 20V
Bronze Tower Shield: 30V
Butterfly Knife: 35V
Carrying Bag: 50V
Ceremonial Dagger: 50V
Chefs Hat: 250V
Cooked Barracuda: 5V
Cooked Haddock: 3V
Cooked Meat: 3V
Death Scythe: 300V
Dragonhide Boots: 400V
Dragonhide Gloves: 350V
Elven Boots: 90V
Elven Focus: 80V
Elven Hatchet: 75V
Elven Spatula: 75V
Fish Kabob: 85V
Fishing Rod: 50V
Full Aluminum Helm: 75V
Fur Coat: 25V
Gardening Trowel: 75V
Glazed Swordfish: 75V
Gold Coin: 6V
Gordian Knot: 50V
Hardened Saw: 125V
Headlamp: 75V
Hooded Cloak: 30V
Horned Helm: 50V
Iron 2-Handed Sword: 50V
Iron Dagger: 30V
Iron Longsword: 40V
Iron Pickaxe: 30V
Iron Pike: 30V
Iron Scimitar: 40V
Iron Short Sword: 35V
Iron Small Shield: 35V
Knuckle Guards: 125V
Leather Apron: 25V
Lighter: 75V
Medium Stand: 1,000V
Parsnip Mashed Potatoes: 85V
Plum Preserves: 59V
Pocketknife: 30V
Polathurn Boots: 1,250V
Polathurn Full Plate: 2,100V
Polathurn Gloves: 850V
Polathurn Hatchet: 350V
Polathurn Helm: 850V
Polathurn Pickaxe: 350V
Polathurn Shield: 600V
Polathurn Tongs: 100V
Shark Steak: 3V
Sharp Ring: 50V
Spellbook: 30V
Steel Gauntlets: 50V
Steel Hammer: 50V
Steel Helm: 40V
Steel Leg Guards: 55V
Steel Platemail: 60V
Steel Toed Boots: 60V
Tinran Spatula: 750V
Tribal Headdress: 750V
Tuba: 80V
Tuna Steak: 3V
Turnip: 25V
Wizard Robes: 250V
Young Warriors Sword: 2,500V

Wiki page created by KoE for MAD Last update: 2013–07–08