Movoda Manual - glazedswordfish

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Item: Glazed Swordfish
Weight: 4 stones
Class: food
Effects: +1 Random Attacks for 30 minutes

Can be made at Cooking Level 51 (Erfdarian)
Materials Required: (Plus tool of type Tinderbox)

Glazed Swordfish increase the frequency of random attacks at known dangerous working spots. They also produce random attacks at 5 locations where they would not otherwise occur. The chance of random attacks is capped at 50%, which occurs when the food effect is +50 at the 5 special locations and at a lower value at known dangerous working spots.

Location Kingdom Task and Level Rec Combat Lvl Enemy Name
Rissdra Any  Woodcutting 1 1
Galawi Any  Sawing Hardwood 20 5
Garando Mines Any  Mining Iron Ore 15 60
Cardina Valley Any  Mining Bauxite 25 25
Hikori Erfdarian Woodcutting 30 60

Original notes from mskwik: Not only will in increase the frequency of attacks at known dangerous working spots but it can bump the frequency of attacks above 0 at spots which would not have any attacks otherwise. Not every spot has monsters waiting to attack, but it does give a way to attract some monsters that may be harder to find otherwise at certain spots. It's capped at 50% for any given spot (so +50 for spots with no attacks naturally, less for spots that have some % to start with). I would suggest when testing spots for whether attacks can be induced there that you send a higher level fighter to start with...