The Neutrals
These humans that call themselves the neutral people are just the same with another humans. Usually they hate wars, but some of them can train their combat level by battling certain monster, provided only for the Neutral people. They enjoy freedom, and nobody rules them but themselves.
This is what is available to the Neutral People
The Neutrals are somewhat considering that
Danycia is the Neutral city, for it is inhabited by Rhizards which could only be killed by Neutrals.
Captain Freds
Player Houses
Fight Monsters
Some other infos
1 thing I know about being neutral is you fight
Rhizards and other gain
Rhizard Stew. A lot of places don't require you to have a particular citizenship so not much changes.
Just check all the skill pages and read about what's what based on citizenship.
Construction: If you happen to be neutrals 5 character exp and chipwood here, although as it says, Faldorians can use it too.
This sawmill is accessable only by faldorians and neutrals with at least construction level 10. It seems to be a slower than Martral but faster than Galawi. You can only saw logs here for 5 character experience. As a bonus you receive 1 chipwood every few logs sawed. There is no hardwood option.
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