7029 people have looked at my page or refreshed my page
This user has had a name change!
Thankyou to
Shimizu for her own creation!
Please feel free to comment below.
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P.S- I mean it :D
Ok Santa, I'm only going to ask this once ...where's my presents!
Santa_Larry has replied: They're in the post :D But I have sent it 67th Class by Snail Mail ;)
Santa Larry has replied: Crikey! That has to be a metal one :D
has been a very good boy this year
Santa Larry has replied: *checks list* On the edge :P
Your fearless Zetsumei clan leader, murderdol22, leaves his mark :)
R.I.P Murder.. You are dearly misssed!
Santa Larry has replied: It wont come off NOOOOO :D
Bigdave ran past your page
Santa Larry has replied: Wow, that was a fast visit :D
punkiee! (:
imalive595 came by to admire your page =)
Calydor grazed here for a bit.
John One Three stamped your page
Yoshi says: Good luck in your movodian life!
White_Dragon says you are doing a great job, keep up the good work
Now my faith on Santa Clause has been restored. Well done, Santa! XOXO
Was glad to have you as a visitor to Epic :D
manilishi dropped by to say hi so......."Hi"
Torilou 87 dropped in and spread some apple love
The Tank was here, might be tiny, but still a tank..
tinytank32 says Hi
Encrypted_Ice has marked your page has his now :P :-S
You have been tagged by Da_nana the Leader of the Royal Family of the JACK Guild
As you ramble on through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut… and not upon the hole.
Never settle for being average... you would be just as close to the bottom as you are to the top.
came by and munched out on your wiki :)
xzero121 was here, And fixed your page!
Scare Set up on your page for the night
Lexxy has baby llamas. ^^
Alamak The Crazy tags this page and asks santa for lots of pressies!! :D
Rae Rae Leave Her Love
kriztal planted herself here- & is growing like a weedXD
Hi Santa! hugs Princess Amber
The dark reaper has visited you in the night
Paine dropped by your page to say hihi
Cookie is looking for some Cookie Dough
Says hi to Santa from the shadows
mitchs98 says don't delete meh comment again and hi :D
Just poppin by to say Hi! *BB20*
====Quintus – Abyssus abyssum invocat (Hell invokes Hell)====
those that live will eventually die
Stoney stopped by 2 say HIGHHH
lynn76w stop by for her christmas wish:hugs:
Fed-Up stopped by to say hi and thanks for posting the links for myminicity as well as the others. I am not too good at this html stuff so i will just type for now
aace dropped his card and owned the page!
adora sliced through
roselle dropped by to say hi
babybmine Cooking up something yummy for you. ::)