Movoda Manual - TMGHBA

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This is the official Glassy hunny buns page for all those hunny buns of hers

Please sign below if a member of the TMGHBA

  1. Slayer 4444 was here and started this page! love ya Glassy
  2. Jalestra was here adding her love!
  3. Jck 2003 was here :) Glassy :) “hugs”
  4. Phil was here adding his biggest share of love. ^^
  5. howard loves glassrose
  6. i love you babe Heather
  7. Togz was here to see what this page is about... *scratches head* *hugs*
  8. Klisten was here cause Glassy is the greatest *hugs*
  9. Steve from Ohio was here. ;)
  10. mjy6969 is glassrose89's bodyguard
  11. Ohhh yeah... Glassy is “Da Bomb” =] Stunt 207
  12. I'll see you in the shower later ;) -->Travis
  13. Wuv ya Rosie, huggles luv “muns”
  14. meatpie was here >:)
  15. pibird was her with :hugs:
  16. bangy was here because hes your most amazing guild leader and wubs you 
  17. Bren Was here, and dosen't reeally know why he signed...
  18. Devin Kyle Was here, Left his Love, *hugs* Gave a hug, a smile, and, a *Wave* and disappeared.
  19. runkies that is all
  20. meatpie is always ready for his honey buns..
  21. Babsy :hug: glass :)
  22. the_punisher has no idea why he was here but still signed :P.
  23. Maqepker416 OH yea :hug: glassy!
  24. Mnk_Slayer i wonder wat this page is for
  25. darren1001 was here and wants to be glassrose89 personal servant of kitty litter cleaning