First Player Of Movoda!
Welcome to my page! Below is some useful information about me! Please sign my guest book while you are here. Just hit the Edit this page link on the left side of the screen, and add your signature to the bottom.
Also, please visit my website for the game that I have developed, called
Forbidden Gates!
Note: Everything on this page was 100% made by me, unless otherwise noted
General Info:
Member Since: 2006-12-02 12:52:14
Active playing time: 15 Days, 11 Hours, 19 Minutes
Member Number: 0000000005
Character Experience: 152,936
Character Level: 18
Highest Skill: Smithing Level 23
Nationality: Faldorian
I was also the first player to register for Movoda! My Member Number is #5, but Mskwik is #2, test is #3, test2 is #4, and account #1 no longer exists (all of those were made by Mskwik).
My Current Stats:
Eddy999999's Skills- Smithing Level 23 (395,920 Exp)
- Speed Level 13 (53,652 Exp)
- Mining Level 13 (48,980 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 10 (22,800 Exp)
- Trading Level 3 (1,134 Exp)
- Construction Level 2 (302 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 1 (160 Exp)
My Current Goals:
(In order of priority)
- Get to level 25 smithing (Currently Level 23)
- Get in the top 5 smiths in the game (Currently ranked #517)
My accomplishments:
First Player of Movoda!
See above, under General Info
Accomplished an Infinite Number of Life Goals!
Look at this:
Eddy 999999 [DH]: i still cant believe that i was the first player of movoda
Eddy 999999 [DH]: ive always wanted 2 b the first player in a game
21:13:46 Skunj [DH]: lol, well, thats one life goal achieved
Eddy 999999 [DH]: but that wuz my only 1
Eddy 999999 [DH]: so wut do i do with my life now?
Eddy 999999 [DH]: i no!
Eddy 999999 [DH]: i shud try 2 b the 2nd player in a game!
21:14:36 Skunj [DH]: now you have a new life goal
21:14:41 Skunj [DH]: to find a new life goal
Eddy 999999 [DH]: lol
Eddy 999999 [DH]: but that means i have 1
Eddy 999999 [DH]: which means i accomplished my life goal
Eddy 999999 [DH]: which means i need a new 1 again
Eddy 999999 [DH]: so my new life goal will b 2 find a 3rd life goal
Eddy 999999 [DH]: but now i have 1
Eddy 999999 [DH]: so i accomplished that life goal
Eddy 999999 [DH]: and this cud go on for infinity!
Eddy 999999 [DH]: so bascically i can accomplish an infinite amount of life goals!
Eddy 999999 [DH]: basically*
21:16:44 Skunj [DH]: lol, yep, it could
Eddy 999999 [DH]: so not only was i the first player of movoda, but now i have accomplished an infinite # of life goals!
21:17:48 Skunj [DH]: lol
21:17:56 *
Eddy 999999 needs 2 write this down for future reference *
Eddy 999999 [DH]: i can put this on my job application
Eddy 999999 [DH]: ill get the job fo sho!
First Player with a Guest Book and Hit Counter
I'm pretty sure I was also the first player to have a Guest Book and/or a Hit Counter on his/her page.
Smithing Highscores:
I have this here so that I can keep track of where I am at on the
smithing highscores.
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | Bratzer [CoM] | 141 | 400,000,000 | |
2 | tiggger [MAD] | 136 | 351,780,010 | |
3 | Erin [BTO] | 136 | 348,144,432 | |
4 | RoyHobbs [Blue] | 125 | 245,780,251 | |
5 | Slomo [Home] | 123 | 236,287,097 | |
6 | Iroh [7sins] | 123 | 230,471,227 | |
7 | pibird [Home] | 121 | 221,788,113 | |
8 | 3x0du5 [Home] | 121 | 216,427,429 | |
9 | diabloii | 108 | 139,579,520 | |
10 | krunchy [firesoul] | 107 | 136,460,178 | |
11 | Lubigno | 106 | 127,224,710 | |
12 | michael [DH] | 101 | 106,983,821 | |
13 | Toassty [*NI*] | 100 | 100,882,175 | |
14 | csirek [CoM] | 96 | 86,980,110 | |
15 | Protoculteur [Bubble] | 94 | 81,384,149 | +4,460 (+6,560) |
16 | Dreadwood [Sync] | 92 | 74,663,847 | |
17 | Lemon [Bubble] | 92 | 73,141,820 | |
18 | RedScorpion [~MM~] | 88 | 62,763,847 | |
19 | Santok | 88 | 61,557,689 | |
20 | silverwolf [Akatsuki] | 88 | 60,676,991 | |
21 | Jemi [ ] | 87 | 57,907,325 | |
22 | Gwork [Olympus] | 86 | 55,923,836 | |
23 | spacecookie [ΩMNI] | 86 | 55,695,624 | |
24 | Forseti [^V^] | 85 | 54,669,409 | |
25 | funkenstein [Crops4$] | 84 | 51,742,675 | |
My Games
Forbidden Gates is the name of an online, text-based MMORPG that I have made. The object of the game is to work your way up the highscores list, to become the number one fighter! The game's development has pretty much come to a standstill, because I am working on creating a new game, which will be more of a full game, with lots of stats, items, quests, etc. This game is going to be called Kalgoron, and has not been released yet.
My Favorite Quotes
The early bird may catch the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. — ???
A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of. — Burt Bacharach
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before. — Mae West
Victory is mine! — Stewie Griffin
Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny. — Jack Handey
To show how popular I am ^ ^
Just hit the Edit this page link on the left side of the screen, and add your signature to the bottom.
(Please leave a blank line between each signature. Thanks!)
Cool page, Galan
The all great Mystixs! =P
Eddy 999999
With love, V
Oh look, a guest book! – Ragnzor
^_^ hope to make my profile interesting like yours at some point –
yeah good going, have fun updating for the rest of your life ;) -freelancer
Nice profile :) – punkie was here ;)
Hmm, this profile could be better...:P nice job dude :D – Corran
This is a very very good page, well written :D © shadowstalker 2006 :P
See, this is 'some work' on the profile. Nice profile bud. – Knoxx
Irb waz here
Marklaah Congratulates you on a marvelous page.
Hoi Nice Page page more images may help-
TheDumbo has trampled this page
Nice page eddy – Veridis
*points to someone else and says he was here, not me
!!* – diversion
very good page eddy. all the best – anterminator
Nice page eddy :) The Devil Queen of Mining ;)
SELECT TOP 1 @name = usrname
FROM users
ORDER BY friendliness DESC;
PRINT CAST(@name AS VARCHAR(8)) + ' says hi. -' +
NebuneX says hi. – 2007–08–27
1 row(s) affected
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This page is Copyright ©
Eddy 999999 2006